You failed to show [ any 1 person who > Farrakhan ]... all you demonstrated is that you actually believe that being a token black man or getting some money means something to the masses of black in america....
You want me to Prove Farrakhan, well, he doesn't need defense in that way... ... he needs others to build up their communities as he encourages

What areas do you feel are important........ What do you need to see?
Do you think black people should educate themselves and develop our own minds? I mean I hear chatter of black centered schools and us teaching our own children but only a few black people in this nation have really took the steps.
Do you think that ownership of land is freedom?
Why isn't Over 2000 Acres of farmland something to be proud of if its black owned???
Why isn't the NOI fighting Agriculture Department of the U.S. governemnt on behalf of ALL BLACK farmers in the US something to be proud of?
Shouldn't we be supporting instead of HATING?
Is working within the prision to turn some of our lost brothers and criminals into productive members of their communities a bad thing?
Who is doing this even on 1/4 the scale that Farrakhan people are?
Also, what's wrong with the ultimate goal???
We want freedom for all black men and women now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the North as well as the South. We want every black man and woman to have the freedom to accept or reject being separated from the slave master’s children and establish a land of their own.
Is there an organization that has produced even half the number of black owned businesses around this so called nation?
Nope-- and many black business owners... don't even say they are Muslim because of hating ass LOST fakkits who will hate..
Even Dave Chappelle was saying...."I don't normally talk about my religion publicly because I don't want people to associate me and my flaws with this beautiful thing,"
We have this site because of hip hop and the influence of NOI spin off groups like the 5%.... the Majority of the world uses slang that is rooted in Moorish science temple and the NOI. Period.
The black consciousness in america almost dies and was pushed again... partially by black muslims, music, culture... and Movies like Malcolm X. shyt, When I speak with people.. I always ask when they first become conscious who did they look to and 95% of young black people who are conscious Obviously say Malcolm X. You want to know about Farrahkan.. Well just look at What Malcolm Little was Then look at what Malcolm x Became. Thats what Farrakhan as Done for Thousands of black men... So YOU TELL ME who has Done MORE than that? ? You have posters on this Very site who you go back and forth with who have literally KILLED black boys and sold drugs and who were demons.... Who now do nothing but positive shyt , do charity, and support community and family............ however, you Chose to remain ignorant and "question".
Yall hype up Khalid... Well , He was Harald Moore was the typical nikka raise by a woman who ended up deep in the church and the school... just average. He believe in Elijahs message and eventually Minister Farrkhan named him Khalid and MADE him a general among men.. But that wasn't the only person. That just who you know. There are hundreds who Farakkhan made = to Khalid. Farrkahn is strategic.. During that time Black Youth NEEDED Khalids n shyt... they needed that hype shyt.. He sent Khalid to politic with Gaddafi, sent him to train in tactics under Adi Amin and all over africa. Khalid and hundreds of other low key people in each community were uniting gangs n shyt and were Basically our only defense against The Crakk Era. When Khalid gave his speech in NYC 3000 police along with horses and helicopters had to break it up. I feel that even raising up a Man like this is a Lifetime accomplishment... and that's one of the main reasons I started listening to Farrkhan.
Main ones hitting the streets for most of this century were WHO black muslims.. mainly NOI... and every time they get HATE from their own people. Even when I was athiest I didn't act like a hating fakkit towards these brothers..
Even Malcolm had to go through this and these questions...... He had virtually no support outside the noi when he left due to "questions" as you put it, smh. But we don't even usually pay it This Much attention because Our freedom can't wait.