Fam Guy is my alltime favorite, with AmDad a close second. But Family Guy is so hit or miss with people. People who love it LOVE it, and people who dont like it fukking HATE it. lol as evidenced by this thread.
Just for the sake of longevity and the peak of it, Simpsons probably has to take it.
Can't agree. I loved the show. Seasons 1-3 were amazing, and I thought it was on it's way to dethrone simpsons.
But, It was never the same when it came back. They started running jokes into the ground. Repeating jokes that werent funny the first time another 100 times.
Add to that, the flaws of the show became exposed with time. Namely, the secondary characters. None of them were well rounded or interesting. They're just a bunch of one note jokes. Nothing more. Look at the simpsons, moe,skinner,burns etc all amazing characters and some of them surplanted the main family as people's favorite characters.
Further more what seperates simpsons from family guy is the heart. Family guy is crass and heartless. It's jokes for the sake of joke's. Simpsons always had a heart to the show, made the characters real, rather than devices to be used to spout jokes. It gives the jokes more weight. The writing(I'm speaking about both shows primes) is also way above family guy. Family guy is funny but the humour was always very low brow. Theirs never a joke that's hard to understand. As I got older and rewatched simpsons all of a sudden I "got" jokes that went right over my head before.
Simpsons is the undisputed goat. Season's 3-8 are flawless.