If you haven't seen ANY of the Star Wars movies yet watch them in their original order of release.
Start with Episode 4 a New Hope, Episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back then watch Return of the Jedi 3rd.
THEN watch the prequels in THEIR order and you will have a more detailed and enjoyable experience.
You see with the prequels like Phantom Menace Ep 1, the whole point of the prequel trilogy was to show you HOW Anakin became Darth Vader. That was the main point, and that's why so many people, including myself, enjoyed Ep 3 Revenge of the Sith so much. It was about finally seeing how one of the most iconic "villains" in movie history became who he is.
We ALL know episode 1 was trash, needed, but trash except for Darth Maul. But we suffered through Phantom Menace and Jar Jar to get to Vader puttin on the mask in Revenge of the Sith.
Even though Yoda was a huge bonus in Attack of the Clones ep 2... IF you watched ep 4,5,6 then 1,2,and 3 especially
...if u happen to watch them in numerical order, 1,2,3,4,5,6, it's just not gonna feel the same
even though people fux wit Star Wars heavy no matter what in general.
no matter what The Force Awakens was
if you do to go see it though at least watch Return of the Jedi
Start with Episode 4 a New Hope, Episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back then watch Return of the Jedi 3rd.
THEN watch the prequels in THEIR order and you will have a more detailed and enjoyable experience.
You see with the prequels like Phantom Menace Ep 1, the whole point of the prequel trilogy was to show you HOW Anakin became Darth Vader. That was the main point, and that's why so many people, including myself, enjoyed Ep 3 Revenge of the Sith so much. It was about finally seeing how one of the most iconic "villains" in movie history became who he is.
We ALL know episode 1 was trash, needed, but trash except for Darth Maul. But we suffered through Phantom Menace and Jar Jar to get to Vader puttin on the mask in Revenge of the Sith.
Even though Yoda was a huge bonus in Attack of the Clones ep 2... IF you watched ep 4,5,6 then 1,2,and 3 especially
...if u happen to watch them in numerical order, 1,2,3,4,5,6, it's just not gonna feel the same

even though people fux wit Star Wars heavy no matter what in general.
no matter what The Force Awakens was

if you do to go see it though at least watch Return of the Jedi