Happy wars/sad love songs
these bytches only wear knickers to keep their ankles warm
if you gonna post brits post bad ones
Slag/Chav type girls aren't as attractive as that on the regular, mate. Alot of 'em look homely and if you aren't keen on the lingo, it's like talking to a completely different creature.
In the UK as an American Breh you can find and pull normal looking non attention whores type birds by having an accent and being able to hold your liquor. It's THAT easy, mate. But if you're lookin' for Loo dragons in the pub....eh, them type ain't hard to have it away with either. Enjoy.
Ive never seen op post a picture of a non white woman.
What is the point? Especially here on the coli....dude stay posting pictures of white chicks. Most of them aint even all that.
Aint it obvious dude is on thatheavy at this point?
Ive never seen op post a picture of a non white woman.