1. deadpool
2. flash
3. spawn
4. black panther
5. nightwing
6. turn that animated crossover that batman/superman did into a full live action film-- just so i could c how they would pull off this scene
[ame=http://youtu.be/x5UJ9evRPfE]Scenes from... The Batman/Superman Movie - "I Heard You Were Crazy..." - YouTube[/ame]
the cartoon>>>>what the series became after fast forwarding into the future like they did, that sh1t sucked and just got tooo damn weird for my taste and i like keith
Spawn wouldnt really be a superhero movie though from what MJW and mcfarlane are saying, aparently they want to make it a horror movie like seven/silence of the lambs meets constantine
I would have like to seen a Gambit movie. And on another note i know he isn't a superhero and he guy he crushed the role is dead but i would have liked to see an origin Joker movie to see how he became to be.
not really superhero but they need to get back into that Venom storyline give him his own movie or some shyt and actually do a good job on it. spider-man 3 was a wreck. they should throw carnage ass in the mixx too.
CARNAGE VS. VENOM would be dope as hell if they did it right.
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