So according to Gene Deal the reason why there's no black-owned music distribution company is because of Jay-Z, you understand


Jun 3, 2012
Detroit Lions, Michigan Wolverines & LWO
He said there’s proof on Kirk Burrows (do you know who that is). And he’s mentioned Kirk Burrows a ton. I’d bank on there being something there

Now I have no idea how/why he even mentioned jay. I can admit that can make someone skeptical of of him :manny:

But 95% of that story is old news. And again, someone not familiar with it may think Gene is trying to reveal information he’s privy too. In this case, he’s not. He’s relaying old news that appears new to a different crowd. He lives in two lanes. Sometimes he’s gossiping bc these young and dumb YouTubers don’t know shyt and will stick a mic in his face to find out news anyone over 35 knows. (Cam Capone, Art of dialogue). And then other times he’s giving first hand accounts.

To me, it’s easy to tell between the two. Ie if he says ‘we was in the Bahamas and Kim cut his wrist’ I think that’s a little difrent from ‘Suge and Jimmy henchman wanted to start a publishing company’. Firsthand account vs retelling old hip hop tales that he heard like everyone else—-but it sounds like breaking news to a Cam Capone
if u purposely making up shyt just caused why would I believe anything you say?

Dude specifically said Jay & Puff snitched to stopped a historic record company

Suge said he bound and gag Jay Z but wouldn’t ever come out and say Jay & Puffy snitched

Gene is full of shyt. He even backtracking about Usher needing ass stitches

Dude is a damn liar that get paid for interviews for a living