Sher: What were the initial results when you contacted attorney firms? Were they fearful of going against the powerful Hollywood Entertainment Complex? You took this fight on and won many of the lawsuits pro se. Please tell the readers what you've had to go through over the last few decades in your battle to regain your own work.
Sophia: I did not contact any law firms. I filed the Law suit myself, on April 24, 2003 in the California Federal Courts (case no. CV03-02873-MMM(VBKx). The Chief Federal Judge was Terry Hatter Jr. and second judge on my case was Margaret M. Morrow. Hatter court ordered RICO (Racketeer, Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act ) served on the defendants immediately after I answered his 20 questions. I went to the FBI June 10, 1999 after, the settlement with WB was aborted because it was Criminal Copyright Infringement. None of the defendants had bought nor contracted my work from me. I would not take the settlement money because I would be selling my copyrights that are worth billions, instead of millions of dollars. These same defendants told Judge Morrow that they had settled with me, when they knew it was not true (see California court documents). I am not afraid to stand up and fight for my copyrighted IP. No one should be afraid to take what is their by divine rights. Matrix and Terminator is Black Art work originated in America and it did not come from Europeans. It comes out of my soul and mouth when I speak about my work.
Sher: Two of your properties were made into films and a series developed for and from each. Terminator was released in 1984 – over 30 years ago. It appears the two projects – the Matrix and Terminator – were "split apart" from your work The Third Eye. Is that correct? At any time did you have or were you offered an agreement from any of the entities named in your lawsuits or did they simply think that you were too small to take on the 'great and powerful'?
Sophia: Yes, several movies, among other derivatives come from my 81' 83' 84' script treatment and book both entitled "The Third Eye ." All theft and agreements with other third parties were done behind my back as I have already stated. My work early on was put into constructive trusts such as: Pacific Western, Hemdale Films, Caroleo Pictures, Term Matrix, etc and a host of others dummy companies as stated in my court documents, validated FBI evidence and exhibits. The corporations, which are the machines are not afraid of anyone or anything except the truth. Their survival depends on fooling the unsuspecting public who support the movie productions they go to see, thus the reason for the deception and concern. The public does not support theft, they simply will not buy a ticket. WB stocks will take a major hit. Again, not any of these same defendants ever bought nor contracted any of my work. I am the creator and legal owner of both the Matrix and Terminator Franchises. The same defendants stole and bought [an] $85K teleplay from Harlan Ellison, gave him a little credit and then removed his name.
Ellison did not author Terminator. He was used as a cover for James Cameron, because the whole Hollywood Industry knew that Cameron first project called Piranha bombed. He was not [the] writer, but [he was] a good liar. He often mentioned in the news [that] he had stolen from others. I have those articles for anyone to see, but they can be found in the News archives on James Cameron. The bottom line is the studios steal and gag all the time , so the public will not find out about their dark dirty deeds. The public will never support theft and will not forgive or forget it. Stealing from the people is pure greed. Why steal , when you have the money to pay for it? It is a sickness. It is also corruption that needs to be wiped from the face of the Earth.
Sher: What advice would you give to budding script/screen writers or those who are planning to market their books in the Hollywood community?
Sophia: I always tell people to protect their work with copyrights, but it did not make a difference with my copyrighted work. It was still stolen, but I fought though the Federal courts and got it back. I also got $3.5 Billion Dollars in Liens on record for theft of service. My three court cases are a great example for others to gain knowledge and information. You can get this information from my and please take note that I now have a trademark case. My Campaign Link
This was written on April 1 of this year, breh...