so a black woman wrote The Matrix and Terminator


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
Sher: What were the initial results when you contacted attorney firms? Were they fearful of going against the powerful Hollywood Entertainment Complex? You took this fight on and won many of the lawsuits pro se. Please tell the readers what you've had to go through over the last few decades in your battle to regain your own work.

Sophia: I did not contact any law firms. I filed the Law suit myself, on April 24, 2003 in the California Federal Courts (case no. CV03-02873-MMM(VBKx). The Chief Federal Judge was Terry Hatter Jr. and second judge on my case was Margaret M. Morrow. Hatter court ordered RICO (Racketeer, Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act ) served on the defendants immediately after I answered his 20 questions. I went to the FBI June 10, 1999 after, the settlement with WB was aborted because it was Criminal Copyright Infringement. None of the defendants had bought nor contracted my work from me. I would not take the settlement money because I would be selling my copyrights that are worth billions, instead of millions of dollars. These same defendants told Judge Morrow that they had settled with me, when they knew it was not true (see California court documents). I am not afraid to stand up and fight for my copyrighted IP. No one should be afraid to take what is their by divine rights. Matrix and Terminator is Black Art work originated in America and it did not come from Europeans. It comes out of my soul and mouth when I speak about my work.

Sher: Two of your properties were made into films and a series developed for and from each. Terminator was released in 1984 – over 30 years ago. It appears the two projects – the Matrix and Terminator – were "split apart" from your work The Third Eye. Is that correct? At any time did you have or were you offered an agreement from any of the entities named in your lawsuits or did they simply think that you were too small to take on the 'great and powerful'?

Sophia: Yes, several movies, among other derivatives come from my 81' 83' 84' script treatment and book both entitled "The Third Eye ." All theft and agreements with other third parties were done behind my back as I have already stated. My work early on was put into constructive trusts such as: Pacific Western, Hemdale Films, Caroleo Pictures, Term Matrix, etc and a host of others dummy companies as stated in my court documents, validated FBI evidence and exhibits. The corporations, which are the machines are not afraid of anyone or anything except the truth. Their survival depends on fooling the unsuspecting public who support the movie productions they go to see, thus the reason for the deception and concern. The public does not support theft, they simply will not buy a ticket. WB stocks will take a major hit. Again, not any of these same defendants ever bought nor contracted any of my work. I am the creator and legal owner of both the Matrix and Terminator Franchises. The same defendants stole and bought [an] $85K teleplay from Harlan Ellison, gave him a little credit and then removed his name.

Ellison did not author Terminator. He was used as a cover for James Cameron, because the whole Hollywood Industry knew that Cameron first project called Piranha bombed. He was not [the] writer, but [he was] a good liar. He often mentioned in the news [that] he had stolen from others. I have those articles for anyone to see, but they can be found in the News archives on James Cameron. The bottom line is the studios steal and gag all the time , so the public will not find out about their dark dirty deeds. The public will never support theft and will not forgive or forget it. Stealing from the people is pure greed. Why steal , when you have the money to pay for it? It is a sickness. It is also corruption that needs to be wiped from the face of the Earth.

Sher: What advice would you give to budding script/screen writers or those who are planning to market their books in the Hollywood community?

Sophia: I always tell people to protect their work with copyrights, but it did not make a difference with my copyrighted work. It was still stolen, but I fought though the Federal courts and got it back. I also got $3.5 Billion Dollars in Liens on record for theft of service. My three court cases are a great example for others to gain knowledge and information. You can get this information from my and please take note that I now have a trademark case. My Campaign Link

This was written on April 1 of this year, breh... :francis: Bottom line if she was lying they would countersue and if she was lying they would easily disprove it in court with the writers bringing the original script and proving they wrote it. I've heard of other stories being stolen from other writers and passed off as someone else's work... is IT that hard to believe that, maybe she did write alot of the basis of these two movies and it was stolen from her??? and Warner and the rest Simply DONT want to give her credit. they tried to buy her off and it didnt work...

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
This was written on April 1 of this year, breh... :francis: Bottom line if she was lying they would countersue and if she was lying they would easily disprove it in court with the writers bringing the original script and proving they wrote it. I've heard of other stories being stolen from other writers and passed off as someone else's work... is IT that hard to believe that, maybe she did write alot of the basis of these two movies and it was stolen from her??? and Warner and the rest Simply DONT want to give her credit. they tried to buy her off and it didnt work...
lol sorry I don't just believe a random woman who has NO OTHER published works to her name claiming to have written two top 5 scifi movies of all-time. Have you seen how short her actual book is? It's like 50 pages and the rest of her book is her trying to prove her plagiarism claim. Her book is nothing like The Matrix OR Terminator. You can go read it for yourself. It's LAUGHABLE that she thought she would win any money in court. If she had such an open and closed case she would've bothered showing up to court and she would've bothered to submit evidence proving plagiarism. Her book bares more resemblance to the story of Jesus in the bible then the matrix or terminator. James Cameron had reoccurring nightmares that inspired him to make terminator. The Wachoiski's have repeatedly say the matrix was inspired by the works of Phillip K dikk like Minority Report and Blade runner. This bytch didn't write the matrix or terminator. Her story bares more resemblance to Star Wars

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
She doesn't win... But Eddie loses for Coming to America to that old white dude?

Why didn't she show up to court, again?


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
lol sorry I don't just believe a random woman who has NO OTHER published works to her name claiming to have written two top 5 scifi movies of all-time. Have you seen how short her actual book is? It's like 50 pages and the rest of her book is her trying to prove her plagiarism claim. Her book is nothing like The Matrix OR Terminator. You can go read it for yourself. It's LAUGHABLE that she thought she would win any money in court. If she had such an open and closed case she would've bothered showing up to court and she would've bothered to submit evidence proving plagiarism. Her book bares more resemblance to the story of Jesus in the bible then the matrix or terminator. James Cameron had reoccurring nightmares that inspired him to make terminator. The Wachoiski's have repeatedly say the matrix was inspired by the works of Phillip K dikk like Minority Report and Blade runner. This bytch didn't write the matrix or terminator. Her story bares more resemblance to Star Wars


She won breh.... :jawalrus:

Stewart filed her case in 1999, after viewing the Matrix, which she felt had been based on her manuscript, ‘The Third Eye,’ copyrighted in 1981. In the mid-eighties Stewart had submitted her manuscript to an ad placed by the Wachowski Brothers, requesting new sci-fi works..

According to court documentation, a FBI investigation discovered that more than thirty minutes had been edited from the original film, in an attempt to avoid penalties for copyright infringement. The investigation also stated that ‘credible witnesses employed at Warner Brothers came forward, claiming that the executives and lawyers had full knowledge that the work in question did not belong to the Wachowski Brothers.’ These witnesses claimed to have seen Stewart’s original work and that it had been ‘often used during preparation of the motion pictures.’ The defendants tried, on several occasions, to have Stewart’s case dismissed, without success.

Stewart has confronted skepticism on all sides, much of which comes from Matrix fans, who are strangely loyal to the Wachowski Brothers. One on-line forum, entitled Matrix Explained has an entire section devoted to Stewart. Some who have researched her history and writings are open to her story.

Others are suspicious and mocking. ‘It doesn’t bother me,’ said Stewart in a phone interview last week, ‘I always knew what was true.’

Some fans, are unaware of the case or they question its legitimacy, due to the fact that it has received little to no media coverage. Though the case was not made public until October of 2003, Stewart has her own explanation, as quoted

‘The reason you have not seen any of this in the media is because Warner Brothers parent company is AOL-Time Warner…. this GIANT owns 95 percent of the media… let me give you a clue as to what they own in the media business… New York Times papers/magazines, LA Times papers/magazines, People Magazine, CNN news, Extra, Celebrity Justice, Entertainment Tonight, HBO, New Line Cinema, DreamWorks, Newsweek, Village Roadshow and many, many more! They are not going to report on themselves. They have been suppressing my case for years.’

:umad: :umad::umad:

Every dog has its day...:demonic: Written: 23 November 2015

Black Author wins Copyright Case for Matrix movie - NonStop Ghana News

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Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Every dog has its day...:demonic:
sigh. I don't know what to tell you dog. She didn't win any suits. In fact, James Cameron and Gale Hurd were already successfully sued by science-fiction writer Harlan Ellison who claimed that THE TERMINATOR drew from material from Ellison’s SOLDIER and DEMON WITH A GLASS HAND episodes of the ABC television show, THE OUTER LIMITS.

I'm not going to spend my time debunking her bullshyt because you're just going to link another random website with no sources.

But what is it that makes Stewart’s lawsuit and the alleged conspiracy against a Black writer so compelling that every two or three years an announcement circulates throughout the internet that she has won her case? Is it that her claim of theft and financial injustice by a white controlled corporation reaches deep into the African-American psyche which itself holds on to the theft of our ancestors from Africa and the injustice (financial, physical and spiritual) we have suffered within a white controlled nation throughout history? The list of stolen Black copyrights, patents and ideas by whites –those that can be proven and those that can be believed- is as long as your belief in America as a system of oppression against African-Americans. Yet Stewart’s lawsuit and conspiracy returns again and again like a light-skinned relative that everyone whispers could pass for White at a Black family reunion. The answer is like a family secret that grandmother will carry to her grave.

My heart aches for Stewart because in one sense I want her claims to be true. I want her to win her case as a symbol of vindication and justice for all that Hollywood has taken and keeps from us as African-Americans. But to truly believe her conspiracy theory and her lawsuit I have to pretend to be ignorant. I have to pretend to be ignorant of the fact that Cameron and Hurd were already successfully sued by prolific science-fiction writer Harlan Ellison concerning work he had completed in the 1960’s. To believe in Stewart, I have to be ignorant of the fact that alternate reality/computer simulacrum themes had already been pursued in the works of prolific science-fiction author Phillip K. dikk (TOTAL RECALL/BLADE RUNNER/A SCANNER DARKLY) and specifically in the work of science-fiction author Daniel F. Galouye. In fact Galouye’s book, COUNTERFEIT WORLD (SIMULCRON 3) was the basis for the late great German filmmakerRainer Werner Fassbinder’s rediscovered masterpiece, WORLD ON A WIRE (1973). Fassbinder’s film followed similar themes of a computer controlled alternate reality complete with headgear brain attachments and predated THE MATRIX by 26 years. To believe Stewart, I have to be ignorant of the fact that if you cut footage out of the final theatrical release of your film (before that film is ever seen by the public) that a lawsuit for copyright infringement can be won on the basis of what is left out of a film as opposed to what is actually in the film. And finally, to believe Stewart I have to pretend to be ignorant and that’s just something I’m not willing to do, regardless of how I feel against the white controlled entertainment industry.

Sophia Stewart: "The Matrix" Lawsuit - Conspiracy Or Hoax?

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Flash forward to the March 1999 theatrical release of "The Matrix." Stewart, then living in Salt Lake City, went with a friend to see the film. "I said to myself, 'I wrote this,' " she recalls, saying she recognized themes and characters from "The Third Eye" in the film. In June 1999, she says, she filed a written complaint with the FBI, charging that a copyright crime had taken place. In April 2003, acting as her own attorney, Stewart filed a lawsuit against a host of defendants, including the Wachowskis, "Terminator" director James Cameron, producers Gale Anne Hurd and Joel Silver, 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros., accusing them of copyright infringement and of violating Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) laws, which were created in 1970 to combat organized criminal entities.

Not long after that, her story began to take a strange turn. Stewart produced and circulated a news release, trying to rally support for her copyright case by recounting her claims and request for damages. The mainstream media response was tepid, at best. However, one newspaper did find her story quite interesting.

On Oct. 28, the Salt Lake Community College's Globe ran an article on its website with the audacious headline " 'Mother of the Matrix' Victorious." Written by a second-year communications student, the article was among the first on the Web to reveal aspects of Stewart's story. Unfortunately, it also was rife with errors, stating among other things that Stewart had won her case (she hadn't) and that she was about to receive one of the biggest payoffs in Hollywood history (she wasn't). The story also questioned why the case had received no media coverage, and quoted Stewart's claim on a website that Warner Bros. had been suppressing coverage of her case for years because AOL Time Warner "owns 95 percent of the media ... They are not going to report on themselves." Among the publications and businesses she claimed the company owned: the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Newsweek magazine and DreamWorks. In fact, AOL Time Warner doesn't own any of them.


It didn't take long for some mistakes to get the attention of Quentin Wells, the manager of the SLCC Student Media Center, which produces the Globe. "My son, who is a copyright attorney, read the article and said, 'This can't be right,' " Wells says. After approaching Stewart and checking the information in the piece, Wells discovered that Stewart's supposed "victory" was nothing more than a successful defense against an early motion to have her case dismissed. "It was an error [by] the writer," says Wells. "She had misinterpreted what Stewart had said."


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
Flash forward to the March 1999 theatrical release of "The Matrix." Stewart, then living in Salt Lake City, went with a friend to see the film. "I said to myself, 'I wrote this,' " she recalls, saying she recognized themes and characters from "The Third Eye" in the film. In June 1999, she says, she filed a written complaint with the FBI, charging that a copyright crime had taken place. In April 2003, acting as her own attorney, Stewart filed a lawsuit against a host of defendants, including the Wachowskis, "Terminator" director James Cameron, producers Gale Anne Hurd and Joel Silver, 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros., accusing them of copyright infringement and of violating Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) laws, which were created in 1970 to combat organized criminal entities.

Not long after that, her story began to take a strange turn. Stewart produced and circulated a news release, trying to rally support for her copyright case by recounting her claims and request for damages. The mainstream media response was tepid, at best. However, one newspaper did find her story quite interesting.

On Oct. 28, the Salt Lake Community College's Globe ran an article on its website with the audacious headline " 'Mother of the Matrix' Victorious." Written by a second-year communications student, the article was among the first on the Web to reveal aspects of Stewart's story. Unfortunately, it also was rife with errors, stating among other things that Stewart had won her case (she hadn't) and that she was about to receive one of the biggest payoffs in Hollywood history (she wasn't). The story also questioned why the case had received no media coverage, and quoted Stewart's claim on a website that Warner Bros. had been suppressing coverage of her case for years because AOL Time Warner "owns 95 percent of the media ... They are not going to report on themselves." Among the publications and businesses she claimed the company owned: the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Newsweek magazine and DreamWorks. In fact, AOL Time Warner doesn't own any of them.


It didn't take long for some mistakes to get the attention of Quentin Wells, the manager of the SLCC Student Media Center, which produces the Globe. "My son, who is a copyright attorney, read the article and said, 'This can't be right,' " Wells says. After approaching Stewart and checking the information in the piece, Wells discovered that Stewart's supposed "victory" was nothing more than a successful defense against an early motion to have her case dismissed. "It was an error [by] the writer," says Wells. "She had misinterpreted what Stewart had said."

Ok so answer this, if this woman didnt write either the basis of the matrix or terminator stories at all why does this keep popping up, why doesnt Warner Address it, put it in the light of day and just come out and say, hey bytch you didnt write the shyt. we have proof, we're gonna countersue you for slander and libel and attourneys fees. You get sued talking shyt like this in courts, and yet warner doesnt counter sue!!!!!!!???? :wtf:

there's been plenty of stories of writers getting ripped off...


You say its a hoax but there is SOME truth to this story.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Ok so answer this, if this woman didnt write either the basis of the matrix or terminator stories at all why does this keep popping up, why doesnt Warner Address it, put it in the light of day and just come out and say, hey bytch you didnt write the shyt. we have proof, we're gonna countersue you for slander and libel and attourneys fees. You get sued talking shyt like this in courts, and yet warner doesnt counter sue!!!!!!!???? :wtf:

there's been plenty of stories of writers getting ripped off...


You say its a hoax but there is SOME truth to this story.
Because she is trying to sell and market her book. She might've legitimately recognized some themes she included in her "manuscript". But guess what, you know how many times these themes have popped up in science fiction works? Over and over and over.

Check out this book by Daniel F. Galouye Simulacron-3,

Simulacron 3 is the story of a virtual city (total environment simulator) for marketing research, developed by a scientist to reduce the need for opinion polls. The computer-generated city simulation is so well-programmed, that, although the inhabitants have their own consciousness, they are unaware, except for one, that they are only electronic impulses in computer.The simulator’s lead scientist, Hannon Fuller, dies mysteriously, and a co-worker, Morton Lynch, vanishes. The protagonist, Douglas Hall, is with Lynch when he vanishes, and Hall subsequently struggles to suppress his inchoate madness. As time and events unwind, he progressively grasps that his own world is probably not “real” and might be only a computer-generated simulation.

Sound familiar? This shyt was written in the fukking 60s!

She lost her court case and provided no evidence proving anything. Why didn't she sue the terminator when it came out in 1984? She waited all the way until The Matrix to sue? LOL. Many writers have been fukked over, but she has NO EVIDENCE to support her claims.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Oh and Warner Bros does own alot of Media outlets and publications.... :mjpls:
Now one of the main strengths of any conspiracy theory is the persuasive power of those that believe in it to discredit the institutions we have to prove or disprove the validity of a theory. Whether it is the discrediting of theWarren Commission (JFK), the CDC (HIV as a racist plot) or the 9/11 Commission, the strength of any conspiracy theory rests upon our inherent distrust of an institution which can then allow the believers to discredit that institution and present their theory as the truth. In Stewart’s case that institution that must be discredited is the media (in the form of the gigantic AOL-Time Warner conglomerate), which is ironically the very institution from whom she is seeking monetary damages. Stewart’s claim that AOL-Time Warner owns 95% percent of the media is patently untrue. We’ve got to leave some room for Viacom, Clear Channel, and the others. Moreover The LA Times, one of the newspapers she claims as part of the suppression of her case, did actually run a story on her and her lawsuit on July 31 2005 called, ”The Billion Dollar Myth,” by Kemp Powers.

I'm guessing you have a propensity in believing in conspiracy theories?


I'm selling these fine leather jackets
Jul 5, 2012
I wrote The Matrix movies, thats a known fact.
The white dudes with dreadlocks?
Thats all me