Africans were first brought to the US in ships as slaves in (allegedly) 1619. 2019 would make this 400 years that they have been in America. Why is this (400)number important? It may not be but I saw in someone's sig this bible verse....
Genesis 15
13 Then the Lord said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. 14 But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions.
Add what is said in Deuteronomy 28 and it seems possible that this could apply to the western blacks in America. Question is does it? When do the tables turn for the downtrodden?
black ppl should not sit back and wait til 2019 to see what happens. ppl should make sh1t happen now so that by then shyt will change.
the jews made germany pay. they made it law. indians made america pay but only after they got off their ass and got into law and made america pay. black ppl need to get into law and demand for payment. but america has kept african americans distracted with gangsta rap music and athletics. they've made that our culture. when we should be getting into law and the more of us putting pressure on the govt.
despite america being broke, america has a lot of money in aid to give israel. and all these other nations. the money doesn't go to africans here because well we just don't put enough pressure on america for it.
america doesn;t even want to acknowledge tulsa may 31st 1921 in the mainstream. besides many other such events. america has simply decided to brainwash us from these events.
the jews were part of the middle men who gained from slave trade and farrakhan puts pressure on them to pay blacks reparations. the answer to that is farrakhan being banned from the white jewish devil media.
the answer isn't to wait til 2019. by 2019 the way these white niccas packin, there probably won't be too many of us left here.