What's the message in Roots, it doesn't even have the a plot.
Every Chapter in the bible tells a story, there is no story in roots, Alex Haley claimed it was his family's history as if it was a biopic, and he was sued, he's a liar.
There is no storyline in roots.
Family, survival, the brutality of slavery, the evil and laziness of white people, the creativity and expertise of black people.
Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it a valuable story.
In the last couple years conservatives have been white washing history books and intentionally miseducating people about how harsh the conditions were for slaves, even going so far as to call them 'workers' in text books. Just because you are well versed on a subject doesn't mean that others are. There are millions of people in this county who are completely ignorant to the subject and everything from our politics to our culture is driven by them. Fictional accounts can at least lead to discussion and further knowledge seeking, as opposed to nothing.