50 ?!?!!!i
If it is a long day.
50 ?!?!!!i
A professional blunt rollerThats impossible. And who tf counts how many blunts youve rolled?
Probably for him and the entourage
A professional blunt roller
He isn’t aging well…
That's what I'm thinking, she was naive not to specify the amount of people she was rolling for. It's just impossible for it all to be for Snoop.I was trying to imagine
a half a pound a day
going through a humans lungs. 16 hours of being awake. For the sake of easy math.. 15 hours of smoking per day.
10 "joints?" per hour. Gives you 6 minutes per joint.
And you would have be doing only that for the whole day. Every second.
I guess the 16th hour is for eating and shytting. Maybe like 15 min break 4x per day.
Certainly physically impossible. Especially surviving for years or decades while doing so.
But depending on the squad.. niqqas can smoke plenty of weed. All the weed if you have enough heads.
If Snoops camp is.. dozens of people deep?.. that could be more realistic.
Cap! I swear I saw snoop interview with chief keef and he seemed astonished when keef said he smoke like 2 oz a day