small legs problem


Jan 4, 2017
I already told OP what it was...

There are some people with legs that are gonna look "skinny" no matter what.

Its genetics.

Again, it's not about how big the muscle is...
It's about the placement of the muscle.

People who have those skinny looking legs "calves"...

Their calves are set higher on there leg.

U cant change the placement of ur muscle.

So even if u eat and lift heavy with ur calves, they'll get stronger and tighter.... but they won't make ur leg look wider


Presume the unpredictable
Jun 11, 2014
Op I have the same build as you I did this routine a couple years ago and got great results.

Also did barbell zercher squat at home. What home equipment do you have if any?
It is widely known that Exercises where you have two legs on the ground like back and drong squat barbell squat and dumvell squat elicit more growth efficiently than single leg squat

I also used Mass in a Flash routine at the time because I was getting leg gains from It but needed something for the calves.

A Calf Training Routine For The Genetically Ungifted |


Presume the unpredictable
Jun 11, 2014
I trully believe generally Black American males are at a genetic "disadvantage" compared to other races in my observation when it comes to natural calf muscle SIZE even though black American males tend to have better jumping ability and explosiveness than some other racial ethnic groups.

Therefore when at genetic disadvantage, you will have to put out extra andmore focused work on that body part whoever you are or whatever body part that may be lagging.
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Presume the unpredictable
Jun 11, 2014
Calves are no "more genetics" than any other muscle group. :mjlol: All of those factors (muscle belly and tendon lengths/insertions points, etc.) are already predetermined and really cannot be changed (except through illness/injury/surgery). Forget about those. What can be changed are muscle size, body composition, even muscle fiber type (to a degree).

The truth of the matter is that the OP is: 1) probably not eating nearly enough; 2) is probably not training all that hard (especially if his home gym set-up is not ideal); and 3) probably isn't hitting legs as hard as he should.

Assuming he doesn't have some sort of medical condition, the issue can most likely be attributed to one or more of those three things. If the OP is doing all of those things correctly than he has reached his genetic limit and must either be content with his current status or hop on a bike.

Overall, nikkas (especially natty ones) swear they bout that life and go harder than a bytch but use poor exercise selection, don't progressively overload, have poor form/technique, skip workouts/apply inconsistent effort, and then undereat/under-recover and wonder why they don't look like freaking superheroes.
This is false.

It is clearly evident that genes play a role in body types muscle size and body composition body height eye color etc.

I do think certain things you cam focus on and work harder on if you are naturally lacking size.

The op can be eating the required recommended calories for weight training but could still see limited or no growth in the calf muscle area if he is not genetically gifted with big calves like some other people are naturally.

What a person can do though is focus specifically on the calf muscle and do high repetitions and exhaust the 2 heads of the calf muscles with super sets slash burnout sets.

The outer part and the inner part of the calf muscle can be hit with standing calf raises and sitting calf raises (weighted) respectively with high reps in the 20s for hypertrophy (size) and then follow each set with a body weight high rep set of squatting calf raises (while hold wall or bench for stability and standing calf raises for super sets.

This increased work load will literally force the muscle to grow. That is why you see balet dancers with defined calves because of high volume calf raises even if they are slender.
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Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
This is false.

It is clearly evident that genes play a role in body types muscle size and body composition body height eye color etc.

I do think certain things you cam focus on and work harder on if you are naturally lacking size.

The op can be eating the required recommended calories for weight training but could still see limited or no growth in the calf muscle area if he is not genetically gifted with big calves like some other people are naturally.

What a person can do though is focus specifically on the calf muscle and do high repetitions and exhaust the 2 heads of the calf muscles with super sets slash burnout sets.

The outer part and the inner part of the calf muscle can be hit with standing calf raises and sitting calf raises (weighted) respectively with high reps in the 20s for hypertrophy (size) and then follow each set with a body weight high rep set of squatting calf raises (while hold wall or bench for stability and standing calf raises for super sets.

This increased work load will literally force the muscle to grow. That is why you see balet dancers with defined calves because of high volume calf raises even if they are slender.

This post. :snoop:

Believe what you will dude. :hubie:


Presume the unpredictable
Jun 11, 2014
@All-Black the Necroverse yeah that is what I thought. I posted all known facts and real experience.

You just posted false info and I had to get the breh on the path to leg gains.

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
@All-Black the Necroverse yeah that is what I thought. I posted all known facts and real experience.

You just posted false info and I had to get the breh on the path to leg gains.

You know about leg gains? DYEL? :usure:

And lol @ that drivel you posted being called facts. :russ:

Everything I said was true. Breh can’t change his insertion points and he prolly isn’t eating enough if he’s asking the q. Never said he couldn’t make his muscles larger though lifting.

But again you believe what you want. :mjlol:
@Art Barr said I’m all powder anyways. :mjgrin: