No. White people did not dress like this in the 00's.
Preppy cacs wore Abercrombie & Fitch, Aeropostale and cargo shorts with sandals. Drugged out raver cacs wore huge ass bedsheet pants (i.e. Jnco, UFO). And then you had your garden variety JC Penny cacs. Black people wore black owned urban clothing brands (i.e. Fubu, Phat Farm, Enyce, Mecca USA) or clothing brands catered to the tastes of urban dwelling blacks (i.e. Avirex, Pelle Pelle). Internet shopping wasn't really a thing yet and you had white malls and black malls. Black malls didn't have Abercrombie or Aeropostale and white malls didn't sell Avirex leathers or Maurice Malone jeans.
Today's fashion
is gay. Everybody really trying to dress like some fakkit ass cac from Milan.
Them tight biker denim jeans are
. Everybody trying to look rich when they hop into a 1998 Honda Accord.
How you wearing $600 Balmains and a $1,000 Moncler coat when your 1996 Hyundai shakes violently driving over 50 mph on the freeway
? How you wearing $800 Giuseppes when you make $10 an hour part time?
Eurofag pretentiousness is not the wave.