Not that I have a pair in the closet now, but you nggas
OD'n about the bootcuts.
Every once in a blue, I
still see a ngga crushin some bootcuts, and I get that itch to grab me a pair. Just gotta catch the right ones.
I gotta homie from NJ
(Newark), that
NEVER conformed to the skinny/fitted shyt. Husky ngga, but he does rock his shirts, hoodies, jerseys, etc. fitted tho. All his fits are on point, and my guy always been saucey, and a trendsettin ngga. He never looks outdated. Nggas like Jim still crush the bootcuts from time to time too...
The truth is, most you nggas can't dress no way, and the second a trendsetter, or ngga you aspire to, started rockin some baggy shyt, your goofy asses would follow suit. If nggas decided to retire skinnys in the city tomorrow, and the shyt caught fire, you follower ass nggas, would be talkin bout...
"We don't do skinnys nomore."
Cats that got a confidence about themselves, will be able to swag, just about anything out. The goofys are always gonna conform to what the
"cool nggas" are doin. Majority of sheeple are mannequin shoppers, anyway. Never been me, cuz I put my own pieces together. The truth is the truth...
you can't buy taste. I make anything look good.
Your gonna feel the need to rock, what you feel you need to rock, to look cool...
Its a difference in mentality.