Situations from Sitcoms that pissed you off...


Bond's gun spoke once....
May 2, 2012
The Weird Side
Boy Meets World pissed me off when Corey was a teen & was too love struck over Topanga

Been that way since forever for me

Wanna say seasons 3-5ish

shyt was cool otherwise but damn realistically no 15 year old male gonna be tying himself down the way Corey was trying
She aint even let him hit till the honeymoon:francis:
Aug 16, 2017
The teen daughter’s boyfriend makes himself at home, and goes through the refrigerator, helping himself to any and everything paid for with YOUR money

People leaving doors unlocked, and friends and neighbors walking right in, unannounced, and the resident isn’t shocked, or scared

The mother of an established family, who usually has teen kids about to go to college gets pregnant in her FORTIES, and has another baby (Blackish, Family Ties, Growing Pains, Boy Meets World, Married With Children although they made it a dream, but then brought in Seven)

Zack and Lisa dating for ONE episode

Zach dating Tori, the butch motorcycle girl

High school kids getting offered “joints” rolled in white paper, and not blunts

Think of situations from tv shows that irritated you or defied logic.

Prime example: The episode of Fresh Prince where Will was quickly building a legit career as a successful car salesman....

only for his family to make him quit, go back to school and rack up debt, work at that shytty campus store, and still not know what he wanted to do by the end of the series or have anywhere to live :mindblown:

fukk them for that, fa real :pacspit:

Will is at worst a 3-star recruit, why in the hell does he not pursue a career in basketball. He could have easily had a D1 scholarship, instead he's at a DIII school taking bullshyt classes, no plan in life. He gets a scholarship, maybe acquires a degree he can use or maybe he is good enough to play bball overseas. Either way he's set. Instead he's stuck at some BS school not doin shyt.

Meanwhile Ashley pursues a modeling career which has an even lesser chance of working out and after some reluctance the family says fukk it and lets her do her thing. :what:

You have to realize Hillary and Ashley were going to get an inheritance. They probably didn’t plan on leaving Will any money, so they pushed him to stay in college so he could have a job to support himself.
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Apr 3, 2014
Nah he wasnt dating nia long at that point. Elise neal was the daughter of pam griers character, who was tryna get at uncle phil. Will went on a date with elise and then we he dropped her off that night her mom seduced will and he slept with her.

That was Pam Grier???? :mindblown:

All this time and I had no idea that was her in that episode.:mindblown:

She looks completely different from how she looked when she was younger. Or maybe it's the hair that threw me off :jbhmm:


All Star
Feb 5, 2016
Will is at worst a 3-star recruit, why in the hell does he not pursue a career in basketball. He could have easily had a D1 scholarship, instead he's at a DIII school taking bullshyt classes, no plan in life. He gets a scholarship, maybe acquires a degree he can use or maybe he is good enough to play bball overseas. Either way he's set. Instead he's stuck at some BS school not doin shyt.

Meanwhile Ashley pursues a modeling career which has an even lesser chance of working out and after some reluctance the family says fukk it and lets her do her thing. :what:

I think the college he and Carlton went to was supposed to be a fake UCLA.

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
The last season of BoJack Horseman. In the first half, BoJack actually tries to get his life together. He goes to rehab, gets sober, starts making amends with the people he's hurt, fixes himself up to look more like a distinguished old man, and he gets a job as an acting professor at a university. He's finally becoming the person he always wanted to be. :wow:

Then the second half hits and all of that gets erased. BoJack did a lot of terrible shyt in the past that he never really paid for, so the show wants to punish him for it. What makes it worse is that BoJack goes back to being his old self with how he handles it. We even find out that he waited 17 minutes to call 911 when Sarah Lynn overdosed, which meant that he was almost solely responsible for her death. :hhh:

He gets a chance to be interviewed and clean up his image. It works and the world forgives him. But instead of going back to his teaching job, he lets the attention go to his head and he takes a second interview. This time, the interviewer treats BoJack like R. Kelly and pretty much gets him to look like a monster that abuses women. Just like that, everybody hates him. Even his own sister stops fukking with him, and he relapses, then signs away the rights to his royalties from Horsin' Around so he can't make any more money off the show. :unimpressed:

BoJack finally gets the life he always wanted, somehow gets away with all the horrible shyt he did, then screws himself over by taking the second interview and the show ends with him in prison, with the possibility that once he gets out, he'll go back to being the same person he's always been. :beli:

H. Selassie

Black Royalty
Jan 6, 2015
The episode of Martin where he and Gina argue over who does things better between Men & Women and Gina recruits a team of WNBA Players to beat Martin, Tommy, and Cole.

What point was proven? That 6’5 Amazon size women who play professional ball can beat nonprofessional regular height guys in pickup ball? Martin coulda went and got NBA Players to skunk them 100-0

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
Not to mention they let Hilary drop out of school simply because she ain’t wanna be there and gave her a long time to find out what she wanted to do (tv anchor/host). Meanwhile, forcing that “you HAVE to go to school!!” bs on Will, who shows way more real-world aptitude than anyone of them.

I see why Will Smith decided to end this show when he did. No character development. They had him lookin like an extra-mediocre lame out there.

Quoted for emphasis. Watching the finale again, they're really hammering in the fact that everybody is doing something with their life except for Will.

I get Carlton shytting on him for being worthless, but even Ashley joins in with that lame toast. "To all of us moving on to our new lives......and Will. :beli:"

fukk Ashley, she turned into an a$$hole in the later seasons. :scust:

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
I meant to post in this thread recently, but I remember now what I was going to post.

In Mike & Molly, Mike and Carl have a near-death experience and Carl decides to propose to Victoria. Mike, for no reason at all and with no pressure, tells Molly about it who obvious tells Victoria about it. Then Carl decides not to propose anymore and it leads to him and Victoria fighting and breaking up.

In the next episode, Carl comes up with this idea for Mike to celebrate his anniversary with Molly on a boat going to Lake Michigan. Molly tells Mike that Carl can't come because of what happened with Victoria, and the entire episode frames it like Carl is in the wrong for feeling upset.

You opened your mouth about a proposal that I wasn't 100% sure on (because I almost died), I give you a great idea for your anniversary with someone I helped you get with, and then you tell me I'm uninvited? I have a reason to end the friendship after that. :mjpls:

H. Selassie

Black Royalty
Jan 6, 2015
Bernie Mac Show

SMH. this lil ungrateful bytch Vanessa…

…your uncle took you out the hood of Chicago while your mom was hooked on drugs…moved you in his California mansion, gave you a functional environment, sent you to best schools, bought you all kinds of shyt…and you STILL find fault with everything he says or does…always catchin attitudes…always getting caught doing shyt she ain’t supposed to then gets mad and makes him the bad guy when he catches her.

Bernie Mac’s my favorite comedian but I used to hate watching that show because of how bad she pisses me off. Shoulda put her ass on a plane back to the ‘jects till she got her mind right and seen how good she really had it living with him.

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
Bernie Mac Show

SMH. this lil ungrateful bytch Vanessa…

…your uncle took you out the hood of Chicago while your mom was hooked on drugs…moved you in his California mansion, gave you a functional environment, sent you to best schools, bought you all kinds of shyt…and you STILL find fault with everything he says or does…always catchin attitudes…always getting caught doing shyt she ain’t supposed to then gets mad and makes him the bad guy when he catches her.

Bernie Mac’s my favorite comedian but I used to hate watching that show because of how bad she pisses me off. Shoulda put her ass on a plane back to the ‘jects till she got her mind right and seen how good she really had it living with him.

You know what's crazy? I was just watching Bernie Mac this weekend and one of the episodes they played dealt with this directly. Vanessa's best friend from Chicago comes to visit and she tells Vanessa that she treats Bernie like shyt, despite everything he did to give her a better life. The rest of the episode is about Vanessa learning to take more of an interest in Bernie, and Bernie learning to not think Vanessa is always up to something. Thought it was a good episode and I wasn't expecting them to go in that direction.