The last season of BoJack Horseman. In the first half, BoJack actually tries to get his life together. He goes to rehab, gets sober, starts making amends with the people he's hurt, fixes himself up to look more like a distinguished old man, and he gets a job as an acting professor at a university. He's finally becoming the person he always wanted to be.
Then the second half hits and all of that gets erased. BoJack did a lot of terrible shyt in the past that he never really paid for, so the show wants to punish him for it. What makes it worse is that BoJack goes back to being his old self with how he handles it. We even find out that he waited 17 minutes to call 911 when Sarah Lynn overdosed, which meant that he was almost solely responsible for her death.
He gets a chance to be interviewed and clean up his image. It works and the world forgives him. But instead of going back to his teaching job, he lets the attention go to his head and he takes a second interview. This time, the interviewer treats BoJack like R. Kelly and pretty much gets him to look like a monster that abuses women. Just like that, everybody hates him. Even his own sister stops fukking with him, and he relapses, then signs away the rights to his royalties from Horsin' Around so he can't make any more money off the show.
BoJack finally gets the life he always wanted, somehow gets away with all the horrible shyt he did, then screws himself over by taking the second interview and the show ends with him in prison, with the possibility that once he gets out, he'll go back to being the same person he's always been.