Single men and women: What do you do with your life? I need advice..

Sad Bunny

May 2, 2012
when I was single I usually hanged with my single friends a lot more

my single friends live in two different states but we do meet up and go out a lot.....we all just be lazy on Fridays nad be like "come to PA" one says "no come to maryland" and the other says "no come to delaware"

lol so thats always tricky

I know some people take classes, travel, volunteer, etc., to fulfill or enrich their lives.

i think imma do that trype of stuff. i just want to do different stuff. yall niccas on here opened my eyes up to a lot of new things and i wish my friends were more open minded....

Damn breh, you kinda old to be asking other people what to "do" with your life and free time...

Just because they enjoy doing stuff don't mean you will enjoy the same things.

Don't ya'll have those singles activity groups in your area?

My homegirl is in one and its about 20 people and every weekend they do something different. One weekend its Top Golf, then its Wine tasting event, then they go bowling. You might want to try something like that...

i can have fun, but its just moreso testing the waters...i need to do more diverse things on weekends...i went to philly this past weekend and went to the mall and bought stuff for myself...that was fun bc i havent shopped hard in years :yeshrug:

my closest friends have kids and shyt so they aint about that life no more:skip:

Sad Bunny

May 2, 2012
When i was single i had 3 or 4 groups of friends. That way i could call around and have some options. Don't get stuck going out with the same crew every week or that shyt will get old fast.

I think we have a :win:

this is the so hung up on seeing my fam that i never hit anyone up

but honestly, my money just got right so thats why im asking this question

im able to travel and do more things so imma start making plans with them all

and i guess im just in a damn bad mood today so im making this thread :snoop: