The last mayor in my city compiled them into two volumes for kids to use in history class.
Oh I missed this

...he shouldn't have had to do that cause they already have a pedagoy ver.
In March 2009, UNESCO launched Phase II of the
General History of Africa Project to respond to the strong expectations expressed by the African countries to adapt the contents of the volumes of the GHA to school teaching. The aim is to enhance the knowledge of African students of their continent's history and contribution to the general progress of humanity.
The goal of the project entitled “the Pedagogical Use of the General History of Africa” is to contribute to the renovation of history teaching in African countries and to promote the process of regional integration launched by the African Union. It consists of elaborating common contents in
history for use in African primary and secondary schools as well as teacher guides, and promoting the use and harmonizing the teaching of the General History of Africa in Higher Education Institutions throughout the continent.
A Scientific Committee entrusted with the intellectual and scientific orientation was established. It comprises 10 members coming from the 5 sub regions of Africa. The project reflects
the priority given to Africa by UNESCO, and is in line with Second Decade of Education for Africa (2006 – 2015), which lays emphasis on the links between education and culture and the improvement of the quality of educational content in Africa.
That said I've never looked in it

(I believe i downloaded all those material years ago though) it could be an outline of what to take from the larger set in order to teach children as your mayor did.