Sign a Petition For A Retrial of A Wrongly Convicted Black Man


May 18, 2012
whats up with this case. IS there some evidence pointing towards a frame job or what?


Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life

DeWitt, NY -- A DeWitt man who has served more than half of his 25-year sentence for attempted murder now has nearly 40,000 supporters online.

That's after Alfred Robinson's wife, Nicole, posted a petition on proclaiming her husband's innocence and attacking the prosecutor for his 2002 conviction.

What the petition fails to mention is that Alfred Robinson, 38, of 6535 Route 298, was implicated as a Boot Camp gang member who attempted to murder a witness to keep him from testifying at trial, former federal prosecutor and current U.S. Rep. John Katko said at the time.

Robinson's wife argues that prosecutors went on a vendetta against her husband after he failed to testify the way they wanted him to at an earlier trial. She said new evidence, discovered in 2007, shows he's innocent.

"Alfred has been in jail for nearly 13 years, since our son was two days old," Nicole Robinson, of Liverpool, wrote in a Jan. 11 petition. "It breaks my heart everyday to look at my son knowing that he may never get to experience a relationship with his dad outside of prison walls."

As of 1 p.m. today, the petition had 39,322 supporters in less than two weeks.

Here's the background

Alfred Robinson was tried and convicted of shooting another man, Thihele Gaines, three times the morning of July 14, 2002 as the victim stood in a driveway in the 400 block of Westmoreland Avenue in Syracuse. The shooting came a day before Gaines was supposed to testify against Robinson in regards to a previous time Robinson had stabbed him.

A year after his conviction, federal prosecutors said Robinson was a Boot Camp gang member who stabbed Gaines because he was from a rival gang. Robinson then plotted with another man to murder Gaines to keep him from testifying, Katko told The Post-Standard in a July 11, 2003 story.

Robinson appealed his attempted murder verdict, but an appeals court rejected his claims. He took the case to federal court, where a judge also dismissed his appeal. But the federal judge did overturn an additional conviction of bribing a witness on a legal technicality.

The judge's decision to uphold the attempted murder conviction came in 2009, two years after Nicole Robinson said the new evidence came to light.

Taking away the bribery conviction reduced Robinson's sentence to 25 years in prison from his original sentence of 35 1/2 years.

I signed the petition before I read this article. :snoop: I hope this shyt isn't true :bryan:

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
We got the petition over 75k :blessed:

I was under impression that 75k was petition's goal, nonetheless we did good:salute:

Remember to share the petition whenever you can, Alfred is locked up :to:

This is a petition for a new trial for Grant Alfred Robinson that only needs 12 signatures and there is about almost 4000 coli users right now, hopefully petition is done today. All you have to do is click the source link below the the story, and sign the petition.:myman:

Full Story Below:

Petitioning Attorney General Eric Schneiderman
Grant Alfred Robinson a new trial


Let's Get this man home :to:

@Buckeye Fever
@Always-Right Liggins

Can you help get this moving? :feedme:

Can you get the word across by making an announcement on this?

Things will change only when the cops, the attorneys and the judges can be future prosecuted for shyt like this, instead of given immunity.

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier

DeWitt, NY -- A DeWitt man who has served more than half of his 25-year sentence for attempted murder now has nearly 40,000 supporters online.

That's after Alfred Robinson's wife, Nicole, posted a petition on proclaiming her husband's innocence and attacking the prosecutor for his 2002 conviction.

What the petition fails to mention is that Alfred Robinson, 38, of 6535 Route 298, was implicated as a Boot Camp gang member who attempted to murder a witness to keep him from testifying at trial, former federal prosecutor and current U.S. Rep. John Katko said at the time.

Robinson's wife argues that prosecutors went on a vendetta against her husband after he failed to testify the way they wanted him to at an earlier trial. She said new evidence, discovered in 2007, shows he's innocent.

"Alfred has been in jail for nearly 13 years, since our son was two days old," Nicole Robinson, of Liverpool, wrote in a Jan. 11 petition. "It breaks my heart everyday to look at my son knowing that he may never get to experience a relationship with his dad outside of prison walls."

As of 1 p.m. today, the petition had 39,322 supporters in less than two weeks.

Here's the background

Alfred Robinson was tried and convicted of shooting another man, Thihele Gaines, three times the morning of July 14, 2002 as the victim stood in a driveway in the 400 block of Westmoreland Avenue in Syracuse. The shooting came a day before Gaines was supposed to testify against Robinson in regards to a previous time Robinson had stabbed him.

A year after his conviction, federal prosecutors said Robinson was a Boot Camp gang member who stabbed Gaines because he was from a rival gang. Robinson then plotted with another man to murder Gaines to keep him from testifying, Katko told The Post-Standard in a July 11, 2003 story.

Robinson appealed his attempted murder verdict, but an appeals court rejected his claims. He took the case to federal court, where a judge also dismissed his appeal. But the federal judge did overturn an additional conviction of bribing a witness on a legal technicality.

The judge's decision to uphold the attempted murder conviction came in 2009, two years after Nicole Robinson said the new evidence came to light.

Taking away the bribery conviction reduced Robinson's sentence to 25 years in prison from his original sentence of 35 1/2 years.

I signed the petition before I read this article. :snoop: I hope this shyt isn't true :bryan:

That's fukked up, man. Just can't win.

His wife is ride or die, and I respect that -- but homie plotted to murder dude first? and somebody beat him to it?


We are our own worst enemies (/c00n train)(/except it's true in this case)