King P
Legends Never Die
It just doesn’t make sense how they were able to get in contact with her Mom if all her belongings were missing. And she’s not from Ohio, so she wouldn’t be in their systems for anything like fingerprintDoesn't make sense to me either. There's a lot of holes and the dates are off. She wasn't missing until a week or two ago. Since October she would regularly post but there would be gaps of a few days between posts because she could only use wifi. Having been evicted, she was couch surfing and using public wifi.
The only parts that make sense in the route he posted are the liquor store and patio restaurant (she would sit outside because by that time she looked exactly how she looked in the last selfie she posted). My questions are, where did he get that route, and who even sent him this story?
Not only am I questioning how they got a hold of her mother and sister, but the way they're handling this is odd. I'm not familiar with how quickly Jane Doe's are ID'd and families are contacted but going off of what's been posted...her body was found Friday, ID'd, mother and sister contacted sometime over the weekend, then all of her last known routes immediately posted online and available on Sunday by a social media investigator? Something isn't adding up.
Her mom has also posted the plea on reddit and is responding to people. Odd to me because reddit can be pretty difficult to navigate if you're not a regular.
A few people on FB have posted a video of the house where she was found, giving a walk around to an open garage, and there's no yellow tape or anything around it for an investigation. Just business as usual.
Plus all the articles online now all say the same thing word for word from weird low tier “news” sites.
Either 1 of 2 things happened:
1) She's passed and they're grifting to make money off of her by making a fake story.
2) She's "killed off" her online presence and planning to get institutionalized or retire from content after her mental break.