Isnt owens a big man though :Vincewhat:
owens is a midget.... he's no bam bam bigelow or bastion booger
plus he does super kicks and frog splashes... you cant be a "big man" and do a super kick... Owens would look like a child next to vader..
Isnt owens a big man though :Vincewhat:
I met him st a book signing a few years back. Man is no taller than 5’9. It’s a possiblity he could’ve shrunk a bit due to aging, surgeries, etc. but dude is not 6 foot. If you look at pictures of him with X Pac they’re practically the same heightYou ever stood next to him? He seems to be about the same height as cena who is 6'1
Still relevant. “What’s going on? This isn’t a money guy!” Comes to mind for every Kevin Owens push