Rest In Power Kobe
Bynum may well resign with Philly
Bynum DEFINITELY wouldnt resign with the Cavs
Bynum and Kyrie are apparently boys, so I wouldnt say "definitely"
Bynum may well resign with Philly
Bynum DEFINITELY wouldnt resign with the Cavs
Nah, they have more potential with Bynum in the post and Turner getting the ball in his hands more than they did with Iggy. I don't know how you're trying to argue this.
I love Turner, but I don't think you want Turner getting the green light to shoot at will. He's got work to do on that end. I hope he plays more like the OSU Evan Turner though.
Bynum on the other hand, if he's your best player how far will they go? None of us have a clue. The idea of what Bynum can be though is bordering on mythical status now around here.
You're right; it is a great unknown how far Bynum can lead a team. On the other hand, we know exactly how far Iggy can take a team.
They weren't contenders before this trade and they might not be afterwards, but it was a risk worth taking.
The Cavs really should have done something to try and acquire Dwight Howard
I'd agree with you if this was Bynum on a rookie deal or still on the come up. Philly's gonna pay him Amar'e money with no amnesty to see how far he gets them, if he gets any farther than Iggy did. That's where the risk is.
this team with iggy had a 7-8 seed potential/1st round exit (maybe sneak to 2nd) level of play at best during his tenure. no knock on him but we weren't gonna be building any worthwhile product paying iggy all that money and having him as our focal point. how could you not like rolling the dice here?
If you commit to Bynum and you fail, it's gonna be awfully tough to rebuild.