half man half bearpig
Wrestlers do not the company period
Just give people a month to 6 weeks off from time to time. They have a big enough roster to make a good show and not run the wrestlers into the ground at the same time.
His thread was probably just another way to get attention and wasn't authentic. He's too much of a narcissist to ever show any vulnerability.Says the bytch who made a pity thread about almost offing himself looking for sympathy from random people on the internet. Your life sucks. Commit that breh!
Yea he's a whole bytch that dikk rides Da KKKing and everything he does. All they do is bytch and make the TSC worse.His thread was probably just another way to get attention and wasn't authentic. He's too much of a narcissist to ever show any vulnerability.
Yeah this works. I know there's some guys on the roster hungry to get more screen time. A month away from TV won't hurt a champion, the fans will always come back for them.They don’t need to have an off season but they have so many people on the roster that they can rotate groups of people at a time. That way the shows stay on and wrestlers can take a break. Breaks should be optional too, I’m sure there’s some people that don’t mind being on the road working all the time but the people who want a break should be able to get em.
Hell nah... wrestling been year-round forever... of course it moves at a faster pace on TV than it used to, but even that's been the case for over 20 years now. I don't see where it'd make any sense to start taking months off now.
you dont think they can afford to let the champs that lose at mania have about a month off after? Like DBry, he took about a month off secretly and now everyone think he has to be injured? It shouldn't be like that, why do you have to be hurt or quit to have time off? Why does american culture shyt on days off so much?
What if Sasha, Bryan and whoever else isnt on TV since mania just on vacation.
The show can continue just focus on the new champs and some lesser used talent and give some of these dudes a break just until like june. GOT had like 17 million viewers,after taking a whole year off, if the product is good the fans will return. The writers need time to come up with some new material and not just for the main event but for the midcards guys and tag teams
Not to be long winded, but Im sure they wouldnt have such high turnover if everyone involved had a break for a month. Back in the day no one had tv deals that produced 2-3 shows a week plus a ppv
well for monetary reasons they would never do that, so Im talking about realistic scenarios.This could happen, I could see something similar to this... that's different from having a whole off season where nobody performs, there's no shows, and shyt goes dormant for months at a time... then it just all starts up again like a sitcom. Some of the talent could go on break or take a lil' while off, but I also could see that bein' a problem for their place on the card. Imagine somebody takin' two months off just because, but they're in line for a big push once they return, but while they're gone somebody else becomes super-hot- now they come back and the program is too hot to stop now, then they end up bein' kinda put to the side. I could def. see people gettin' a chance to take time off and recharge and whatnot (there's been people who've done this in the past)... but not a fan of havin' the whole thing off TV.