I remember when WCW Revenge dropped, the 4 guys on the box were Hogan, Nash, Goldberg, and Raven. He was as over as anyone in the company at the time, and had a whole ass squad of goons that could have helped him win a title without it being a clean victory. Should WCW have given him a run, even if it was a short one? Perry Saturn was a dope ass enforcer too, he could and should have been the Arn to Raven's Flair. Honestly, I think that Raven ending Goldberg's streak with help from Saturn and maybe Kanyon would have given WCW a new top heel, as much as I love Nash he never should have been the guy to end it, and was as over as a face damn near as much as Goldberg was. Goldberg as the face chasing super heel Raven, with Nash and the wolfpack as tweeners fighting both, absolutely could have worked and drawn money. It'd save us the fingerpoke of doom as well, and if you aligned Bret, DDP, and maybe the horsemen or a couple younger dudes like Rey or Kidman with Goldberg, maybe Bret never gets fukked up by Goldberg and can keep wrestling, eventually winning the title himself. Keep the NWO b&w around as another heel crew, or shoot them all into the sun for all I care, but I think that this would have worked significantly better, and for much longer, than what we ended up getting.