I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
It was just an opinion man. People can celebrate whoever they. I just think that the focus should be on us. So im not sure if thats what youre disagreeing with.
I do agree that it shouldnt be limited to just one month of the year though. But thats on black people to make sure their kids know about our accomplishments all year round. So if thats the you were trying to make then Im with you on that.
You gotta realize when Carter G. Woodson created Negro History Week this was 1930's America. Jim Crow was in full effect and black people in America knew absolutely NOTHING about our history. We were segregated, oppressed, misused, mistreated, and being fed a stead of diet of our supposed inferiority. This was the time period when black face was the predominate form of entertainment by whites and the only image we had of ourselves were caricatures. If you read the Miseducation of the Negro he talks about how black people at the time were so miseducated that we believe we were canibals and heathens with zero contributions to the world.
So this celebration was created in an attempt to combat that. It was thanks to people like Dr Woodson as well as J. A. Rogers who started pushing the idea that our history is not just about slavery. It's why books like World's Greatest Men of Color was created, one of the 1st books to finally tell the history of African people to in America who didn't know who we were or what we did. Carter Woodson didn't even believe in the idea that black history should be separated. He said if you teach history accurately and truthfully, our history will be just as great, if not greater than the history of anyone else on the planet. And to say that history starts with slavery is a humongous disservice to our legacy.