5'11", 6' even when in my Timbs or other similar large heeled footwear.

That said, according to these becky flakes on twitter I'm short, not good for anything, and should be banned from the earth.
It speaks to their own level of self esteem and insecurities.
It's always
beautiful confident women who don't mind dating short dudes.
And you find that it's usually insecure women (most of the time it's the tall females) who use that crutch and harbor that hate for short men. Because short men make them feel even more like giants, even more unlady like, and therefore even more insecure. It would be different if they simply weren't attracted to short men, but no, they spew hate.. that = insecurities.
I can't lie though, I feel the 6+ footers in here when they're like "

thank god I'm blessed to be tall".. the hate for short men is real, the pool of women they have to pick from is considerably smaller, and they miss out on the feeling of towering over an entire line of ppl at the grocery store. And again, although I'm only 5'11" I'm still well out of "short" league, and I cannot thank Jah Almighty above enough