It's not the amount of people, it's the principle of the action. As long as they have 20 shootings( drills) in a month, the more support they get to pass gun laws. Lone Gunman, shoots and kills person or persons. Some work out, some don't, it depends on the coverage or it's follow-up. The agenda is set....and I been saying it for a long time. They will continue at this until they have gun laws so strict or confiscation of law abiding citizen.
I hear what you're saying, but you can't assume EVERY time someone shoots someone that it's government sponsored terrorism. If that's the case, we might as well put random and targeted shootings in that category. Is this different because this happened at a school as opposed to the hood? It definitely is about body count and it's also about who is targeted (e.g. Sandy Hook). Gun confiscation will happen, but again, when they are pushing that, they are going for a mass tragedy. You won't hear about this shooting by the end of the week.