Two zeros is a lot. That's a 1 dollar investment turning into a 100 dollar investmentHow are you the doge-killer when you’re still at four zeros? This needs to lose two zeros this winter, or people are going to bail. Momentum has slowed significantly.
Needs to be at two zeros before Feb/March.
Two zeros is a lot. That's a 1 dollar investment turning into a 100 dollar investment
What about this one, friendNot clicking play off that thumbnail alone, I hate that stupid ass face all them YouTubers make.
they need to find a use for this meme coin if they plan on getting more investment.
Nope. Not a single letter.What, have u not been reading the reddit threads???
I don't hoola hoop. You're saying there are now some uses for the coin good. That's real good. I'll continue holdinggawddamn u outta the loop
yeah some of these faces have me punching the screenNot clicking play off that thumbnail alone, I hate that stupid ass face all them YouTubers make.