If you would’ve just bought when you made this post you’d be up a good amount. Now there’s likely a new higher floor.I'm gone wait 1 more day, see if it comes down a bit after the buzz from that CNN article dies down. If it ain't came down by tomorrow night I'll just take my L and buy the bump.
The growth is outta control. I gotta put at least 4 figures into this.
Nah for real though. We do need to cool off. Theses runs are great but we need to settle.ok this REALLY needs to cool off and slow down a bit…getting nervous now lol
Random as hell some lady at work asked me about shibthe jig is up when middle age women know about it is
Time to commit that
Nah for real though. We do need to cool off. Theses runs are great but we need to settle.