She's Back: Boyfriend of NC’s $188 million Powerball winner gets prison for heroin trafficking


Jul 1, 2014
hoes can't resist that daddy dikk....:lolbron:

Bring dat ass back


Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
I WISH SHE JUST TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO JUST ABANDON THIS DUMB MUTHAfukkA..... Out of all the times a woman should be loyal THIS IS NOT IT!!!:why:

Apparently black women never use poor decision making skills like we were told in the last thread. Black women don't like fukkboys, they just happen to constantly end up with them but it's never their fault and they take no personal responsibility for the men they allow in their lives.


Aug 6, 2013

I just hope she has her kids hooked up with their own trust funds because she gonna lose all her money by the looks of it.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
dude didn't jump bail, she's only out of $1.5 millie in bond fees for trying to keep her baby daddy out of prison.

Holmes stands to lose $21m - a quarter of her winnings - if Holmes fails to turn up for his trial.

Commentators said they were 'disappointed' she had chosen to stay with an alleged drug dealer.
'People can say what they like and it don't hurt us,' said McDow. 'She is standing by her man.'
After the Powerball win last February Holmes used a fraction of her money to buy a new five bedroom home for $294,000 on a new estate in Shallotte.
McDow said Holmes was now moving out following his latest arrest and claimed they had been harassed by the neighbors.
'We were the only black family on the estate and they did not like it,' he said.
'One neighbor set up a camera to record everything we were doing. If I was driving down the road and going at the speed limit they would wave at me for going too fast. They did not want us there. They were prejudiced.'
Neighbors on the estate were reluctant to talk about the family when contacted by Daily Mail Online.
But one woman said: 'If they are gone and never come back many people will be happy.
'There were always so many people coming and going.'


Investment: Lamarr McDow operates this auto repair shop in Shallotte, NC, which his girlfriend set him up in. He says that his latest arrest stems from being called out from it



Departed: Marie Holmes and McDow shared this home but the couple have now left it empty, claiming they were the victims of racism on the estate 'They did not want us there. They were prejudiced,' he says



What used to be: The trailer where McDow and Holmes were living when she struck it big with a third share of a record Powerball payout

McDow was at the house when police arrived with an arrest warrant last July after he was found to have broken a pre-trial agreement.
From his prior drug charge arrest he was fitted with a GPS ankle monitor which showed that he was out after a curfew time of 7pm.
While police were at the property two officers smelt marijuana and obtained a search warrant.
A copy of the warrant obtained by Daily Mail Online showed that police also believed the house was being used to store the proceeds of drugs deals.
The warrant said: ' Affiant believes that it is more than likely that there are other narcotics as well as proceeds from a narcotics business at the residence. This affiant believes the information sworn to above, details an ongoing narcotics business.'
Holmes was arrested along with three other men on possession of marijuana charges.
When police searched the main bedroom they found a gun leading to McDow, a convicted felon, facing another charge.
The drug charge against Holmes were later dropped and she agreed to fund the $6m bail to make sure McDow spent limited time behind bars.
McDow had initially been arrested after a year long investigation into a heroin trafficking ring in Brunswick County.
Court papers obtained by Daily Mail Online reveal that police placed GPS trackers on his car and tapped his phone as part of the investigation.
In November 2014 police seized 1,600 bags of heroin and arrested McDow with two other men.
He was charged with conspiracy to traffic heroin and as the amount is over 28g in North Carolinas carries a minimum sentence of 225 months.


And the winner is: Holmes announced she would donate parts of her $188 million winnings to her church and help her children through education. She didn't mention that she would spend some of it bailing her partner out



Family: McDow is father to Holmes' youngest child. She has three older children

Brunswick County Sheriff's Office said at the time of his arrest he was a gang member who had been involved in large-scale drugs activity.
A spokesman said the arrest came after a year long investigation based on community complaints and tips
McDow said he wants his day in court.
'They are saying I am a drug dealer, and that is not true,' he said.
McDow insisted he was the victim of racism and jealously due to his girlfriend's wealth.
'I'm on these charges because of the color of my skin. This is s very dangerous place for a black man. There is no one else who has had their bail set so high. It is not right. They have only out that on because they know my girlfriend has the money.
'They did not want to let me out of jail but when she won the lottery they had to and they didn't like that.'
McDow claims the bail money has increased from $3m to $12m because Holmes has the financial capacity to pay they money thanks to her jackpot win.
But under North Carolina law the bail amount doubles each time it has to be renewed.
A court document obtained from McDow's file at Brunswick County Court showed that he was aware his bail amount would be $12m the next time her was in breach of the conditions set from his original hearing

He signed the single page document which read:' The defendant acknowledges and agrees that violation of the rule of the GPS Pretrial Release program will result in immediate re-incarceration and the defendant will be held under the second bond of $12m with GPS'
McDow signed the agreement on August 17th last year.
While Holmes has not physically handed over $21m she would lose that amount if her boyfriend fails to show up for his trial.
But she has lost almost $1.5m in bail bondsmen fees in keeping her boyfriend out of jail.
The non refundable fee paid to bail bondsmen is at least seven per cent, which for Holmes is about $1,470,000.

McDow broke the agreement on December 26th when he was arrested for allegedly organizing an illegal street race.
He maintains that he is innocent and that he was only in the area as he was working.
The auto repair business he runs operates a tow truck and McDow claims he has been called out in the early hours of the morning.
The pretrial program allows him to leave the house from 7am to 7.30pm for work purposes.
McDow insisted he was wrongly arrested after another man indentified him as being part of a group that organised the street race.


Marijuana smell: Deputies went to arrest McDow for breaching his arrest conditions and found 'a strong odor' of the drug. In a sworn statement, one agent said another man told him: 'Y'all smell weed cause we smoked it.'



Conditions: The strict rules which Mc Dow was under when he allegedly breached his bail conditions



Penniless: How McDow described himself - saying that his only property was the clothes he was wearing, which he valued at $120. However his girlfriend's $188 million fortune was what got him bail



Too many figures: The

'I was just doing my work, and that his allowed,' he said during an interview at his auto-body shop less than a mile from the former modular home where Holmes and her children lived.
He said Holmes had invested in the business and he now employed 11 people.
Her black Mercedes S class car was parked outside the premises along with McDow's pick up truck.
McDow said he has one rule for employees – no drugs and no guns.
' There's not a lot of job opportunities round here so I'm trying to do something good,' he said.
'I want to give kids a chance to stay off the streets so they can make the most of the situation:
Since the latest arrest Holmes has not been seen at her new home – and McDow said she was unlikely to ever return.
She was visiting friends out of state and had yet to return to the Shallot residence.
While investing in her boyfriend Holmes also kept true to her word to give some of her winnings to her church.
After announcing she had won the Powerball, Holmes said in TV interviews she would give or tithe a 10th of her winnings to the Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Shallotte where she and her family were part of the congregation.
Last year she formed the Marie Holmes Foundation with an initial investment of $9.7m and in November wrote out a personal check for $680,000 to her church.
Church leader Reverend Dr Vaughan Cherry said at the time: ' This is such a blessing for us.'
The money will be used to carry out badly needed repairs.
Holmes placed a restriction on the gift saying that $150,000 be used to help out struggling single mothers, elderly and others in financial trouble.
Family members said the church had helped Holmes when she was struggling to bring up her family while working two jobs to support.
It was Holmes's determination to look after her family that had touched the hearts of so many people when she won the Powerball.
Holmes had worked at Wal-Mart and as a server at her local McDonalds to support her family.
All her four children are aged under 10, including one who has cerebral palsy.
Holmes had a rough upbringing and saw her father Elroy jailed for drug offences. He is currently serving a five year sentence.
Family members told Daily Mail Online she always put her children first and looked after her family.
Her cousin Don Bryant said she paid for him and six other family members to travel to Las Vegas to celebrate her birthday.
The group stayed at the Planet Hollywood hotel in the all-expenses-paid trip.
'Marie has done right by her family,' said Don, who was left crippled after being shot.
'She has made good on her promise to help others and is using the money for good.
'She hasn't changed, other than moving to a new house. '
McDow also said Holmes has not let the $188m change her but said having so much money has brought other complications.
'Of course she is happy she won, but she said to me 'when money comes there are more problems.'

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
y'all ain't heard bout the beef with her cousin?:laff:

Powerball winner subject of criminal summons alleging threats

By F.T. Norton
StarNews Staff

Published: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 1:37 p.m.

Last Modified: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 1:41 p.m.

BOLIVIA -- A woman who identifies herself as Marie Holmes' cousin has filed a civil criminal summons against the Brunswick County Powerball millionaire, alleging Holmes threatened her.
Lorna Marlowe of Supply filed the allegation Sunday, the warrant shows. In it Marlowe charges Holmes made threatening and harassing phones calls in which Holmes repeatedly called Marlowe and threatened her with bodily harm.
Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Emily Flax said Holmes was served with the summons Wednesday morning.
In a video Marlowe posted to her Facebook page Tuesday, she says she is Holmes’ cousin and goes on to claim Holmes’ boyfriend Lamarr McDow is cheating on Holmes with several women.
Holmes and McDow have recently been in the news after McDow posted a third million-dollar bail stemming from violations on a pending heroin charge.
In February 2015, when Holmes won the $188 million Powerball jackpot, McDow was in custody on several drug-related charges, stemming from a drug seizure of more than 8,000 bags of heroin in the summer of 2014.
Within days of Holmes’ collecting her lump sum payout of $88 million, McDow posted a $3 million bail. In August, McDow was arrested again and released after posting a $6 million bail. The Brunswick County man found himself in jail once again in October after authorities allege they found a weapon, marijuana and drug paraphernalia in the five-bedroom Shallotte home Holmes bought with her winnings. McDow was released on a $10,000 bail.
On Dec. 28, McDow was arrested a fourth time on charges he arranged an illegal street race that ended with an accident. After bailing out on the charge, he was rearrested and accused of violating his bail conditions on the original heroin charge. His bail was set at $12 million. When a defendant violates bail conditions, his bail is double.
Within days, McDow made bail for a fifth time.
In an interview with a British tabloid newspaper Monday, McDow said people are jealous of Holmes’ winnings and want to see him in jail because of that. His claims apparently sparked ire among those close to the couple and videos of people who know both Holmes and McDow – including Marlowe’s video -- have sprung up online, slinging allegations of infidelity and promiscuity among other things.
Flax said Holmes will have to appear in court on the summons. A court date has yet to be set.
Contact F.T. Norton at 910-343-2070 or Fran.Norton@StarNews


Lorna Marlowe is shown in a screen grab from a video she posted Monday on Facebook.

Powerball winner Marie Holmes' boyfriend's 'sidechick' puts her on blast

The North Carolina mother of four, who won $188 million in lottery winnings, has been making headlines for bailing out her jailbird boyfriend multiple times last year. Now Holmes is being publicly blasted by a woman who claims to be involved with her boyfriend.

Link to the video:

The woman alleges that Lamarr "Sauce" McDowhas been using Holmes' money to take care of other women.
"While you bailing this n***a out he taking care of every bytch around you except for you," the unidentified woman says is a video obtained by Mediafakeout.
"You can come to the hood any motherf****n' day. I don't mind tearing a bytch ass up and praying about it on Sunday," the woman threatened.
"How you a millionaire but your hair looking like you on Section 8?" the woman says.
She went on to throw several insults at Holmes, including that Holmes used to beg for rides, among other profanity-laced accusations.

Holmes has been scrutinized for reportedly spending more than $20 million to protect "Sauce," who landed behind bars on charges relating to heroin, gun possession, street racing and other charges, according to WWAY-TV.

McDow recently broke his silence to speak out in defense of Holmes.
"We are a couple, and I am the father of her youngest child. This is what people do for each other. She has the money and she can do what she wants with it," he told the Daily Mail. "If I had that money then I would do the same for her. People are just jealous because of how much she won and people want to see me locked in jail."