I knew this girl from Ghana, raised in London, law school, who was like a hard right first term MAGA 2018 conservative, when we were going out just here and there, casual thing. She wasn't very smart but she was bad, and educated, Chanel'd out. She was into me where it was hard for me to resist getting more sexual, but I was also dating a DACA girl, and was kinda in love with her.
anyway, she then flipped to a BLM activist/corporate lawyer around 2022. Not that a person can't change or hold different beliefs of whatever kind, but I don't think she really ever believed in anything, she just went with whatever the power structure seemed to dictate.
We met up once around that time, and then she said she deleted my number because I wouldn't send her fundraiser to my friends, told her none of them will give you any money lol - she said I can't have people in my life who aren't about activism.