That little girl grew up knowing she would have to work harder.
That little girl didn't high point the ball.Supposed to fight for the ball
This incorrect. They are made in God's own image. To suggest as such would be to infer that He Himself innately shares that feature. Please think on the language you choose to use when referring to the Lord.
Ye my son, let you not let your incel vibes fall in with that of the word of our LordMan was made in God's image. They were not. The were taken out of man. You might want to read the Word
Ye my son, let you not let your incel vibes fall in with that of the word of our Lord
Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Please respect his word and do not let your earthly failures get muddled up into the divine word
Matthew 22:30
For in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but they are like angels in heaven [who do not marry nor produce children]
Yeah, what you've quoted there does not at all line up with the picture you're trying to paintHe created man in His image....
And separated female out of male. That's all that is saying.
Female is not complete without male so that's not the complete image of GOD. That's how people get into goddess worship with that kind of logic. There is no sexual separation of mankind after the Resurrection.
Yeah, what you've quoted there does not at all line up with the picture you're trying to paint
This is the problem with those of us of the faith who pick and choose what to believe
I'm sorry that I won't be seeing you at his side
We're talking intuitive instincts here. Not bad decisions or corruption, but the true nature of what he hast created in his imageAfter the Resurrection they will be what you're trying to say.(those that accept the Messiah) Right now neither fallen man nor woman is the complete image of GOD. He made man perfect at first but mankind fell and was corrupted. A corrupted image of GOD is not what GOD created.