I know a hotep chick that was on some Moorish sovereign citizen shyt for years.
She stopped paying taxes, drove without a license, wouldn't pay debts.
She's one of those chicks that would meet another hotep dude, and up and move across the country with him for some scamming/righteous flight of fancy, then pop back up in chicago 6-8 months later when he secured new pu$$y in whatever city they went to. Her ex has her kids cause of her current lifestyle, she is a sweet sweet woman but gullible and became a nutjob. At one point she didn't have lights or gas in her apt because she couldn't get service in her name anymore, luckily she was living in a family owned building so she could cook in her aunt's or cousins units. I remember the last time I went to the building she had put a bunch of letters from the IRS and stuff back out on the porch for the mailman to return with weird ass messages scribbled on the envelopes about morocco and her citizenship status and not being subject to their laws. She keeps a job, but puts exempt on her w4 , so she isn't broke, but has no credit, and constantly at risk of having her money seized so can't really keep a bank account.
I haven't seen or spoke to her since before quarantine started, e and there's a 1000% chance she's unvaccinated, I hope she's well tho.