She got taken in an ambulance. Never saw the girl again. Police came to investigate but made no arrests cuz nobody saw nothing, this was brooklyn in the late 90's. This wasn't even the bloodiest thing I seen there. Just the most scandalous.

She got taken in an ambulance. Never saw the girl again. Police came to investigate but made no arrests cuz nobody saw nothing, this was brooklyn in the late 90's. This wasn't even the bloodiest thing I seen there. Just the most scandalous.
Thats where I lived then...Mother Gaston & Blake
i-i-i-i-i-is he dead????A big truck ran over a man like 2 years ago in front Atlantic mall in brooklyn. his body looked fine but his head was crushed bad.To make matters worst you see a trail of pieces of his brain on the street near him.... very horrific
Who is this?
Lol. The West side. You know which CVS I'm talking about? 6 mile and Wyoming, I believe that's the right area. Smh.
Did he survive?saw a dude get his throat slit after he got into a scuffle. another dude pulled out a knife and just with one swift motion and all you see is his blood spill like
I once saw homeless guy using a lawn sprinkler at a cemetery as a bidet
pants down, ass cheeks spread and was making half-steps sideways and backwards trying to follow the stream around as the sprinkler head
Did he dieMy uncle used to deliver photos from this company Qualex to CVS when CVS still had the walk-in photo things. One day, he was picking me up from school. We drove to CVS so he could do his drop off. Across the street is a Coney Island. I swear to God at like 3pm, this guy rolls up into the parking lot gets out pushes this other guy and just starts shooting at him. Cars were swerving trying not to get hit, people running...a mess. The guy eventually falls and the man with the gun walked over and kept shooting. No one stopped the guy so he got into his car in left. I told my uncle what happened and some other people saw that I was still in the car; they wanted me to tell the police but... :/ nah. I was like 12 at the time.
A few years back I was spending the weekend with my father. I decided I was going to go outside and play some football, just go some juggling and practice some shots. I started playing and I saw a car across the road, a red car with tinted windows, nothing really special about it . But no matter what I did I couldn't take my mind off it.![]()
At first I was wondering if someone left it there, but as I kept playing something kept drawing my mind to the car. I couldn't understand why a motionless car filled me with dread. I go inside to tell my father, and we both brush it off. Since he lives close to a college, it was probably a student that ran out of gas and was walking to the gas station to get some.
Later I found out that there was a man and his girlfriend in the car. They got into an argument about something and the man pulled a knife and attacked his girl. The police said he stabbed her multiple times, and I think he slit her throat as well.
To think that all this happened while I was playing football across the street![]()