Yo, Justin Chatwin deserves better

I'm glad they wrote him off for what seems to be good this time. They haven't given him a good storyline since Season 1. Season 2 wasn't bad but he has had barely anything to work with since then. Shame because I still liked the character, as did many others, even though the writers took a shyt all over him. Speaks to his ability as an actor. They completely ruined the character and I would have been fine with him and Fiona saying goodbye at the diner BUT they just had to throw one last dig at him in order to make him unlikeable as fukk with his partner talking to Fiona
Anyways, I thought this was a good episode overall. Sammi going batshyt crazy had me in tears

Carl stay being my favorite Gallagher

Kev getting that blowjob and holding up the picture of V

Mickey has the best character growth of all the characters and he's not even a main Gallagher

Once Ian gets out things are gonna get crazy

Debbie still makes me cringe tho
Can't wait for Monica to return