This dummy doubled down and had those Rosa Park comments..who are his PR ppl???
Can add Candace Owen's to the list of ados/fba that got the butter biscuit value meals
Speaks heavily to the level critical thinking by those who are supposed to be speaking on our behalf. To be so disingenuous and still trying to push some ados fba bullshyt even in the mist of these tragedies when clearly we can see not one particular group has a monopoly on c00ning speaks to the sincerity of those who are supposed to be speaking on our behalf.
But I been saying this for the past year and a half. You not going to convince me Caribbeans continental africans etc are more whatever than us who are here considering we do just as much c00ning. And tariq yvette and tone were just all c00ns yesterday. The entitled attitudes they all take so much so they feel they can call out anyone when they just got "woke" a second ago is really astounding.
Isn’t this lil c00n boy African American?
this guy isn’t African American or lives here
this shows the amount of vitriol foundation black Americans have for other foundational black Americans. And how it’s up to Caribbean’s and or Africans to stand up for them.
you see how easy it is to be a typical coli idiot and push an agenda?
And they never bring up white on white crimeWhy do cacs/c00ns/fukkbois keep ignoring the fact that with black on black crime or any group vs group crime that the perpetrator goes to jail especially with clear evidence????
Rosa Park should have taken a cab
This is where these free thinking ass dudes thoughts are
Put those free thoughts back in the closet my guy
could have sworn Candace is from the Caribbean.
I feel bad for this brother because I know he meant well, and they are killing him right now
but he needs to know he's not really a leader on these issues and needs to know his role
so in an extremely ill-informed decision, he decided to take to IG live to clear himself up. here’s a clip of him intimating that Rosa Parks should have taken a cab instead of riding the bus.