Cryptocurrency Scarface
You’re a weirdoDoes that creature sitting next to Ali look black to you?
You’re a weirdoDoes that creature sitting next to Ali look black to you?
Have self esteem and stop seeing yourself how the says so
Next you're gonna tell us Blake Griffin's son is black?
yeah to be blunt.wasn't Wallace Fard Muhammad a dark skinned cac
nope my man.Even Farrakhan mentioned in one of his lectures..
the irony of The Minister having caucasian daughter in-laws,married to his sons..
Joshua Farrakhan with wife Becky Farrakhan
it is this real…?
Becky Farrakhan…?
Do you realize how racist and disrespectful to real Black people it is when people claim those with cac dna are also Black..
It insinuates that Black people need to be told what they are, hence are somehow stupid and retarded.
Insisting that Black people accept mixed races as Black suggests we have no identity, sense of self awareness and our blood is not unique. Its racist to demand Black people forgo their own standards and adopt a cacs.
Black people never needed whites and their one drop rule to know whom we are.
The mixed race people who claim they're Black are also being racist by forcing acceptance only from Blacks and forgetting their white side.
Do you realize how racist and disrespectful to real Black people it is when people claim those with cac dna are also Black..
It insinuates that Black people need to be told what they are, hence are somehow stupid and retarded.
Insisting that Black people accept mixed races as Black suggests we have no identity, sense of self awareness and our blood is not unique. Its racist to demand Black people forgo their own standards and adopt a cacs.
Black people never needed whites and their one drop rule to know whom we are.
The mixed race people who claim they're Black are also being racist by forcing acceptance only from Blacks and forgetting their white side.