He's the WOAT and it's not even close!Lol y’all hate that dude
He's the WOAT and it's not even close!Lol y’all hate that dude
nikka refuses to contain smhlook at parsons not making the play again
They lost their edge ever since McCarthy in a press conference about a month ago let it be known he was cutting the practice schedule down the stretch to get ready for the playoffs. He’s joked nonstop since then about getting more sleep because of it. He’s an oaf. He’s not a robot and a square like Garrett, so he can build a good locker room culture, but I’ve come to terms that he is in fact an oaf. @Bboystyle warned us.
It's hard to win in Fedex in January2/9 for 14 yards. QB1 brehs...Cooper Rush would never!