This is our sista man.
she looks like a normal young lady with bad makeup/hair choices. that's not the same as looking trans. her below without the addons
Let’s be honest here, if she wasn’t an Olympic caliber athlete, we’d all be saying she looks like a dude. First time I saw her I thought this was a trans person
They don't count bro. This hoodrat tied with a ribbon is "blacker" than them so if they ride for her the most, well they must be super black too. Can't be a TLR militant without doing the most, you know this.Again, we don't have to save them all
We got Simone Biles, Candace Parker, fine ass Gabby Thomas who went to Harvard and is running in the Olympics.
We got young girls like Sydney McLaughlin & that Black girl that won the spelling bee and got all those world records coming up in the next generation to make us proud
We don't have to act like every broad is Rosa Parks or something![]()
I might be too late in the thread, but I wanna touch on this real quick.
I see a lot of black men talking on the internet about how BW look manly. But too me, women of all races look like their male counterparts. So I think we have two things going on here.
1. Black men are more familiar with black male faces then male faces of other races. Some of these pawgs and paags y’all love look just like they fukking daddy in the face, but y’all just don’t see it I guess.
2. Black men are the most masculine men on this planet. And most women look a lot like their fathers. So in turn you’re seeing a reflection of BMs strong testosterone in their daughters, but yet y’all flipping it on BW like that’s a bad thing. Should we breed with weaker men to give you more delicate women to lust after? Idk what y’all want us to do.