New Dehli and India may be the rape capitals of the world.
In order to determine that, we would need to compare this: Rapes (per capita) statistics - countries compared - Crime data on NationMaster
and a good estimate about what percentage of rapes go underreported in various countries, India included.
I personally even know people who have been sexually assaulted there.
So do I. And I know people who've been raped here, too.
How many rapes do you think get reported and are calculated.
I think rape is vastly underreported in India when compared to here. I also think that rape is not dealt with as thoroughly in India as it is here. Even if you factor that in, though, you find that the stats are not significantly different by any reasonable estimate. In short, Indian rape would have to be reported 25 times less in order to fully account for the disparity, which is an unrealistic stat to attach to problems with reporting alone.
Delhi gang-rape: look westward in disgust | Emer O'Toole | Comment is free |
For example, this BBC article states, as if shocking, the statistic that a woman is raped in Delhi every 14 hours. That equates to 625 a year. Yet in England and Wales, which has a population about 3.5 times that of Delhi, we find a figure for recorded rapes of women that is proportionately four times larger: 9,509. Similarly, the Wall Street Journal decries the fact that in India just over a quarter of alleged rapists are convicted; in the US only 24% of alleged rapes even result in an arrest, never mind a conviction. This is the strange kind of reportage you tend to get on the issue.
There are dozens of current Indian politicians facing prosecution for rape or have been convicted.
Maybe, but the Indian parliament has about 800 MPs, compared to our 435-person Congress, and there are currently no reliable stats for US congressmen who are facing such charges, so I can't compare. I'm unwilling to speculate on this point without more information, since American politicians often get away with a lot, too. When was the last time an American politician who was accused of rape was attacked and beaten by his constituents: Indian politician accused of rape is publicly beaten and stripped by mob of angry women* - NY Daily News