I think Trump is racist in the sense that he really believes and gets a kick out of dumb racial stereotypes, but he has no problem mingling with wealthy/famous black people
Yea that's his age but he's more of a gen x racist like I said. Think Tony Soprano....obviously racist but not the traditional sense of it where they can't even stand being around non-whites like he's dad. They adapted their racism to fit new societal norms during their formative years.
Stop this generation false labeling shyt.
Trump is a boomer.
.gen x is completely disconnected and juxtaposed from baby boomers. Tha fukk is wrong with y'all.
Y'all need to dig in the crate and not speak.
till you know the matmathematics.
Trying to psycho analyze the nepotism reward based son of an emperor grand dragon of the klu klux klan.
Trump is not John Cena playing a patriot breh.
You dudes have no affordable housing based completely off his systemic corruption of nyc real estate. Where the federal government had to upend it.
Dig in the crate. Ignorance is not an excuse.
art barr