I get it but I feel like these issues been brewing waaay before she found her Zaddy. She has a bone to pick with the blk community and feeling undesirable.
The crazy part is the fact that whites were the main ones making her the butt of racist jokes btw
But here’s something I’ve noticed about shyt like this. Somehow self-haters sometimes do this mental magic trick where whites are allowed to do heinous shyt to us and it’s cool and easily forgotten, but these types will hold an imagined grudge against blacks FOEVA. shyt never made sense to me.
As for her, she’s clearly demonstrating that even racist Zaddy validation can’t raise her self worth and as much stock as some self-haters put in white validation...if THAT ain’t enough, then she is way gone.
As for her circle,if she dealing with whites they damn sure ain’t gon stop it because goofy plastic surgery shyt like this is a Tuesday for them.
she probably does have a bone to pick with the black community.
Got a cousin like this who I've seen recent pics of her looking like she wearing blue contacts or something and her hair almost like Serena in the photo in the OP. shyt sad and embarrassing. Too many people out there not teaching racial pride to their kids. Not saying Serena had that issue im just saying in general.