Heard he’s had success at always being first in line at catering. 

Him basically being Baby HHH saved him enough in NXT I imagine. At least got him goodwill enough to end up with Glorious. And that song made him more than anything else his whole run.I knew the WWE was gonna bury EY, EC3 & others.
I thought they were gonna bury bobby roode the worst, but they didn't.
Him basically being Baby HHH saved him enough in NXT I imagine. At least got him goodwill enough to end up with Glorious. And that song made him more than anything else his whole run.
Successful as Santino
Take that how you want
He's a manlet with no charisma so no.
He actually has a whole lot of charisma, that’s probably the first thing people remember him for from his time in Impact.
I knew the WWE was gonna bury EY, EC3 & others.
I thought they were gonna bury bobby roode the worst, but they didn't.
Santino was better. He was given a comedy act gimmick and made it work. Eric Young is just a joke.
this dude just said Santino f*ckin marrella was better than eric young.
this ranks down there with the contingent of posters who wanted the miz to be champion a couple months ago.
Santino got over on the bigger stage. TNA has always sucked and Young to do much for the company.
Santino got over on the bigger stage. TNA has always sucked and Young to do much for the company.
he got over on the kiddie stage as a comedic jobber.