Sega's site is down so it's probably happening
it's not a bad idea per say they made $348mil (converted to euros) in 2021
also they get an in house mobile developer to handle all their other ip if they want to go in that direction
They're looking at Konami's duel links and going we need something like that
people online are already saying they would buy a collection of the classic angry birds games
it's not a bad idea per say they made $348mil (converted to euros) in 2021
also they get an in house mobile developer to handle all their other ip if they want to go in that direction
They're looking at Konami's duel links and going we need something like that

Key financial metrics 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 (IFRS) (IFRS) (IFRS) (IFRS) (IFRS) (IFRS) (IFRS) (IFRS) MEUR (unless otherwse stated) Revenue 317.7 286.2 272.3 289.1 281.2 297.2 191.7 142.1

Key financials
Rovio Entertainment Corporation is a global mobile-first games company that creates, develops, and publishes mobile games.