--Also, Adam Copeland got out of surgery today for a major neck operation done in Pittsburgh by Dr. Joseph Maroon. He noted that one of the first people to call him and wish him the best was Bruno Sammartino, who he didn't even know. Sammartino and Maroon are friends since Maroon did a back operation of Sammartino years ago which he credits for keeping him out of a wheelchair and allowing him to continue training.
basically there's like 3 1/2 people (all in this forum) that don't think Adam is a legend.
Micks WrestleMania moment: "Its got to be the one with Edge, Ive told that story when I do my shows about realizing being surrounded by charred flesh and blood, even as the referee was counting to three, I was like, 'I got my moment, I got my moment.' When I made that phone call home, which I had to do under direct orders after every single pay-per-view, my wife answers the phone and said, 'Is Edge okay?' That was my magic WrestleMania moment and then being dramatically brought down to earth."
--Also, Adam Copeland got out of surgery today for a major neck operation done in Pittsburgh by Dr. Joseph Maroon. He noted that one of the first people to call him and wish him the best was Bruno Sammartino, who he didn't even know. Sammartino and Maroon are friends since Maroon did a back operation of Sammartino years ago which he credits for keeping him out of a wheelchair and allowing him to continue training.
Haven will be back in both The U.S. and Canada.
Both Syfy and Showcase have announced that they have renewed the hit sci-fi series Haven for a 4th season. The series, based on Stephen King’s novella The Colorado Kid, will return with a 13-episode order.
Haven has averaged 2.4 million total viewers in The U.S. on Syfy. In Canada, the series is among the top rated series on Showcase.
Produced by eOne, Haven is shot in Canada and aired Internationally.
Are you glad to see Haven return?