The edit was them speeding the video up and showing stuff out of order. This is just his lawyer creating noise and him trying to get the video thrown out. Diddy shouldnt have been in the situation beating her like that in the first place. He apologized for his acts because he beat her and got caught on video. Before the vid it was "i did nothing" after the vid "I apologize, im a changed man" etc.
Nobody has seen the original video except CNN. The only thing CNN ever released was the edited video which is what yall saw too. CNN was the only ones with the original and they destroyed it to protect their source (the feds). It was clearly given to them by the feds to taint the jury pool. But you cannot submit an edited video into court as evidence of anything. You need the original. Cause anyone can easily edit and speed up or slow down footage to make things look better or worse, especially if they show it out of sequence. You can paint a false narrative.
I said from day one this case aint gonna go like folks think it will. It will get ugly and messy real quick cause all of cassies skeletons will be exposed since she is the main witness. And she will be crossed examined by some of the best lawyers on the planet. We will learn all about her coke habits, sex habits etc.. The gloves are off and diddys lawyers will be attacking her credibility.