Dibiase just did a interview about Virgil
On his relationship with Virgil:“We first met in Vince’s office. I didn’t know who he was. I’d never seen him and I actually think it was Bobby Heenan’s idea because he had that look. He had a really good look. He had a great body, but in the ring he wasn’t good at all. I mean, he really wasn’t. He did everything he was asked to do. He was always on time. He never got in trouble. He didn’t drink. He didn’t smoke. He didn’t do drugs. My understanding though is that he liked to gamble. So, I never had any problem with Virgil until post-wrestling. After I went to WCW, they were talking about, ‘Who else can we bring in?’ It was supposed to be like a takeover, like a coup and we needed protection. I said, ‘If you need protection, then maybe you need a bodyguard.’ So, I actually got him in there, but the trouble with he and I came when we started doing these autograph shows….I would go to one by myself and somebody would say, ‘We’re sure sorry you couldn’t make the last show.’ ‘What are you talking about?’ ‘Well, you know, Virgil contacted us to book you guys and we had you booked and he called a couple of weeks out and said you wouldn’t be able to make it, but he’d still be there.’ I was totally oblivious. He and I had a come to Jesus meeting about that. I had a conversation with him and said, ‘Look man, I don’t want to ever hear another story like that because you’re making me look like crap and just to serve your own purpose.’ I don’t know if Virgil got to a place where he was desperate to make money. If he did indeed have a gambling issue, I could see where that could become a problem; but, then he just started doing things that were just ridiculous. Somebody said he put up a table in Grand Central Station in Manhattan and was trying to sell pictures. I hate to say it, but it got to a point where if I’m seen with the guy, I’m making myself look like a fool, if that makes any sense. Any place he ever went and signed autographs, he would have a banner with both of our pictures on it. It was advertising both of us, but he was the only one there. I recently did a signing. I don’t think I knew he was going to be there, but I wasn’t mad because he was. I still am very cordial with the guy. The nicest way to say it is that Virgil is not the smartest apple in the basket. He’s not a real bright guy, but I do like the guy. I care for him and I know desperate people do desperate things when they need money. He and I have talked all of that stuff through and I think we’re OK. Would I be opposed to seeing him and signing autographs with him again? Absolutely not. I’d be happy to, as long as he’s on the up and up.”