Scholar argues that interracial Porn makes America more Dangerous for Black men


Jun 22, 2014
I never thought I'd see Gail Dines posted on the Coli.
She also has some good work on the sexualisation of Black women, prostitution and the economics surrounding women (especially third-world women) into the industry, liberal feminism and the use of "feminism" to sell sex to women, the concept of the male gaze, and a lot of other very well-regarded work.
She's entirely right about this issue to, and interracial porn has two goals: turn Black men into sex objects for the pleasure of Whites, or to turn Black women into sex objects for the pleasure of Whites. Black men become walking penises for the service of White women, and Black women become strange "exotic" beings to be "conquered" by White men.
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
I never thought I'd see Gail Dines posted on the Coli.
She also has some good work on the sexualisation of Black women, prostitution and the economics surrounding women (especially third-world women) into the industry, liberal feminism and the use of "feminism" to sell sex to women, the concept of the male gaze, and a lot of other very well-regarded work.
She's entirely right about this issue to, and interracial porn has two goals: turn Black men into sex objects for the pleasure of Whites, or to turn Black women into sex objects for the pleasure of Whites. Black men become walking penises for the service of White women, and Black women become strange "exotic" beings to be "conquered" by White men.

I"m trying to figure out the issue with any of that. Porn is all about Fantasy, whether that fantasy be about being hung like a horse, banging a midget, of fukking a chick light years out of your league. Interracial porn has one goal. Make money and get clicks.


Feb 12, 2015
what is really don't understand, cant get my head around is this:

We know WM are by far the main consumers of porn, as in 'buyers' and subscribers. They call the shots are to what is to be made.

Why do they want to see BM smashing their women so much? Is it an aftereffect of slavery propaganda, an indoctrinated fetishism, a hating WW (but not as much as BW), WM wanting to be beta males? :jbhmm:. I don't get it, I personally can't watch a BW getting defiled by a WM.
White men get off on the mythos of white superiority and the power of their false narratives. The largest narrative is their own superiority which they draw strength from.
In recognizing the power of upholding white femininity they whore their own women out to other males, not as an act of cuckolding but as a banner of white superiority. Namely that they can make a black man who was tortured and killed for even thinking about white femininity, risk their lives and pride to fukk the white man's DNA in current society.

In short it's a hell of a power trip for them. If you can literally make a group of men hate what their dyck produces when they reproduce with a woman that looks like them, it's a W for them. And this would be crazy even without the historical context. But when you place this within a historical context, it looks even worse.

But as a blk woman, I just have to sit and watch b/c confronting blk men with this reality is interpreted as me hating or being jealous, when in reality it's primarily just embarrassing. In dealing with oppressive regimes like white supremacy, blk masculinity turns feminine. It's the white women hunting them, paying to sexually exploit African males in impoverished countries, using them for sex and marrying white. And blk male responses to this exchange are feminine in nature as well. Blk men talking about being chosen, or having women trick on them, highlighting the power of their sexuality as a lure which is something traditionally relegated to the sphere of female prostitution.

But don't mind me. I just sit here and watch blk dudes think they can put a dent in white supremacy with their dikks. But you wanna know what's really sad...most other blk men ain't even on this mess. But white trickery law #284 says: lie on em until it's the truth. That's the real purpose of blk stereotypes--to make us become the animals they accused us of being. Which is why it's hard to find positive images of blk love in the media. Why only blk partners with white spouses are primarily chosen to represent us in the media. It's to make us think they don't exist and normalize hating your own.



Feb 12, 2015
Black women in porn is a DIRECT reflection of the seething resentment and hatred white males feel for black women. Namely the fact that most blk women aren't attracted to them. This is a direct SLAP in the face to the white supremacy machine which runs off the assumption that whiteness and masculinity are superior to every other combination. So when ur polar opposite has the nerve to laugh you out of the room with offhanded remarks about "pink dikk" and the like, it tears their psyche down. How do they deal with it?

In the media they demonized blk women as undesirable or push IR as the only available option a blk woman can have. They also do woe is me think pieces on blk women designed to induce dating panic and make blk women seek non-blk mates. When this doesn't work and they are confounded they turn to degradation, violence, and an attack on black femininity, hell they even recruit a couple of blk c00ns down for the cause. Whites online are quick to say "not even ur own race of men want you."

Specifically in porn, we see the culmination of white male desires for blk women. They want us in socially acceptable ways: as sexual objects for degradation. In short, they want blk women to chase them the way Asian women chase them. And when we don't, they'll swear they don't want us or that we do as played out in porn (and some blk c00ns will actually believe them!!!!!) Meanwhile, black female racial preference for blk males has been literally documented...Lmao!

And on an offnote what they don't understand about Asian women is those chicks are some of the largest pimps in the industry. But that's another story for another time about how wealth has been slowly leeched from the white community and funneled into Asian communities through Asian female spouses. What a time to be alive!


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
You didn't read any of the articles.

Porn is degrading to men.

Black men are a threat to white men reproductively; Latin (!) and Asian men are not a threat.

White women are considered radical for examining how race figures into whom porn degrades and dehumanizes most.... but most white feminists are content not to examine (draw your own conclusion).

The bold in my opinion is the crux of why there is so much racism toward black males.


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
I never thought I'd see Gail Dines posted on the Coli.
She also has some good work on the sexualisation of Black women, prostitution and the economics surrounding women (especially third-world women) into the industry, liberal feminism and the use of "feminism" to sell sex to women, the concept of the male gaze, and a lot of other very well-regarded work.
She's entirely right about this issue to, and interracial porn has two goals: turn Black men into sex objects for the pleasure of Whites, or to turn Black women into sex objects for the pleasure of Whites. Black men become walking penises for the service of White women, and Black women become strange "exotic" beings to be "conquered" by White men.

Check Sexual Racism by Charles Stember. It was written in the 70s. Everything that that book addressed 40 years ago is happening today big time.


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013


Dec 5, 2012
Black women in porn is a DIRECT reflection of the seething resentment and hatred white males feel for black women. Namely the fact that most blk women aren't attracted to them. This is a direct SLAP in the face to the white supremacy machine which runs off the assumption that whiteness and masculinity are superior to every other combination. So when ur polar opposite has the nerve to laugh you out of the room with offhanded remarks about "pink dikk" and the like, it tears their psyche down. How do they deal with it?

In the media they demonized blk women as undesirable or push IR as the only available option a blk woman can have. They also do woe is me think pieces on blk women designed to induce dating panic and make blk women seek non-blk mates. When this doesn't work and they are confounded they turn to degradation, violence, and an attack on black femininity, hell they even recruit a couple of blk c00ns down for the cause. Whites online are quick to say "not even ur own race of men want you."

Specifically in porn, we see the culmination of white male desires for blk women. They want us in socially acceptable ways: as sexual objects for degradation. In short, they want blk women to chase them the way Asian women chase them. And when we don't, they'll swear they don't want us or that we do as played out in porn (and some blk c00ns will actually believe them!!!!!) Meanwhile, black female racial preference for blk males has been literally documented...Lmao!

And on an offnote what they don't understand about Asian women is those chicks are some of the largest pimps in the industry. But that's another story for another time about how wealth has been slowly leeched from the white community and funneled into Asian communities through Asian female spouses. What a time to be alive!

However the bolded is not true globally


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
Black women in porn is a DIRECT reflection of the seething resentment and hatred white males feel for black women. Namely the fact that most blk women aren't attracted to them. This is a direct SLAP in the face to the white supremacy machine which runs off the assumption that whiteness and masculinity are superior to every other combination. So when ur polar opposite has the nerve to laugh you out of the room with offhanded remarks about "pink dikk" and the like, it tears their psyche down. How do they deal with it?

In the media they demonized blk women as undesirable or push IR as the only available option a blk woman can have. They also do woe is me think pieces on blk women designed to induce dating panic and make blk women seek non-blk mates. When this doesn't work and they are confounded they turn to degradation, violence, and an attack on black femininity, hell they even recruit a couple of blk c00ns down for the cause. Whites online are quick to say "not even ur own race of men want you."

Specifically in porn, we see the culmination of white male desires for blk women. They want us in socially acceptable ways: as sexual objects for degradation. In short, they want blk women to chase them the way Asian women chase them. And when we don't, they'll swear they don't want us or that we do as played out in porn (and some blk c00ns will actually believe them!!!!!) Meanwhile, black female racial preference for blk males has been literally documented...Lmao!

And on an offnote what they don't understand about Asian women is those chicks are some of the largest pimps in the industry. But that's another story for another time about how wealth has been slowly leeched from the white community and funneled into Asian communities through Asian female spouses. What a time to be alive!


Why do that so many black females dislike white when other races of women admire and prefer them in some cases even over men?
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Read this. This is right up you're alley.

The Hidden Agenda Behind Interracial Pornography

The fact you linked me to ROK has me :francis: already, as they spew racist, and anti women shyt all the time. Having read it though. I will say this. IF what you say has merit it wasn't expressed very well in this article. First off if interracial porn didn't sale. Interracial porn would cease and die out. Can we please admit this is a business and just like any other business if it isn't selling then it's scrapped. Secondly ROK.