Problem with Hiliary is that she would get things done I think.
We'll get social security reform under her, she's already signaled an openness to raising the retirement age. We'll see intervention in Syria/Iraq/Afghanistan/*insert poor brown country*. Would perhaps even get immigration reform, in the form of a bill allowing legal, second class status and drastically raising visas so companies can avoid paying good wages to both low and high skill labor. Maybe criminal justice reform as well, said she wanted to "lower" mandatory minimums the other day. I can only imagine the budget deals she'll work out with Ryan and Mcconell. Privatization of schools and the post office will be almost assured too.
Hiliary Clinton is a centrist and a pragmatist. I say those things not as compliments however. She will pass legislation but almost undoubtedly she'll be working with a GOP dominated House and probably Senate as well. Much like welfare reform and NAFTA, and the TPP, slashing the already pathetic welfare state and allowing business to effectively operate outside labor laws will be justified as the best option.
We've got to enact neoliberal reforms before the republicans do will be the mantra.