Art Barr
When you say the dark knight, i hope you mean the animated ones
No I mean the dark knight series movies that just had another classic movie this summer.
Art Barr
When you say the dark knight, i hope you mean the animated ones
No I mean the dark knight series movies that just had another classic movie this summer.
Art Barr
Did Ryu and Bison/Vega get burn??
Less than 2 minutes screen time
Amazing movie. Instantly top 5 kids movie with potential to be at the very top of the list.
I wouldn't call Lion King overrated it's in my top 5 but I do like Peter Pan Robin Hood(the GOAT to me at least) and Sword in the Stone more
my top 5 is Robin Hood,Peter Pan, Sword in the Stone, Lion King, and Pinnocio
about take my niece to see this so I have an excuse to watch this movie
You put Up in the same category as Lion King?![]()
I guess I was at that "age" when lion king came out that if I heard the circle of life playing through a radio I would step on the speakers. I grew up on the rescuers, great mouse detective, sword and the stone, the incredible adventures of Mr something (live action/cartoon, don knots turns into a catfish) the black cauldron ect ect
I saw this tonight. I liked it, I thought John C. Reilly was really good as the head voice actor, especially in the opening of the movie, and Jane Lynch was good too, but overall it was a bit of a letdown for me.
The previews got me hyped with what looked like a ton of game character cameos, but they didn't game jump much at all, and the majority took place in the corny Candyland game. I know it's Disney and they had to squeeze in the sappy message filled storyline, but I was hoping for more nostalgia than what it delivered.
The end credits were probably the best part for that. But for a kids movie it had some decent laughs, especially if you're a gamer.
Saw it too., liked it but top 5 kids movie, no way.
Cool homage to video games though