Im really happy with my program. I feel good tonite. Just gotta get the diet on point and keep at it
Just to document it, its a 4 day upper/lower split, power/hyper. Power days I do 6-8 reps on compounds, 10 reps on accessories... hyper days I do 12 reps on everything.
Upper days I do:
Bench (BB for power DB for hyper)
Chins (weighted for power no weight for hyper)
Military press (BB for power DB for hyper)
Cable rows
Weighted dips
Upright rows
Pec flys
Lat pulldowns (I consider this an accessory)
Machine lateral raises (accessory)
Lower days I am still working out but heres the gist of it
Squats (power)/ Paused squats (hyper)
RDLs (I just do 10 every work out)
Bosu ball hamstring curls (gonna try 1 leg on power days)
Calf raises (3 sets weighted, 3 sets body weight to failure every trip)
Want to do some ab and forearm work on lower days, they go quick. Lite days
Days are long but I'm not doing shyt anyway. Gotta see what's good with these other gyms though.
Very similar to what I'm trying to build.
The difference in the feel of soreness from power and hyper is interesting.