Did any of them walk out? No, They were all fired and didn't want to leave in the first place. It doesn't matter what your worth is if you've proven to be untrustworthy. We talk about her walking out, but what about her fukking up the big Summerslam rematch with Bianca. Sasha is a great in ring talent, but there comes a point where it's best for all parties to move on. The reality is that the reason why people are pissed is because they know she not going to command the same amount of attention in AEW.
As far as Hunter not being a great GM, are you telling me that NXT was always trash? Because people loved his GM skills which brought you the very woman you're going to bat for right now. Hunter's problem is that he's not putting these people in the right scenario, but he knows exactly what to do with talent. Theory went from being a wrestler everyone wanted shipped out, to now being a legit heel who can cut promos.